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Albert Camus on Writing, Creativity and Stubborness
"Three years after he became the second-youngest laureate of the Nobel Prize, awarded him for literature that "with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience," Albert Camus (November 7, 1913January 4, 1960) died in a car crash with an unused train ticket to the same destination in his pocket. The writings he left behind -- about the key to strength of character, ab... posted on Sep 01 2023, 3,368 reads


Care is the Only Useful Revolution
"(It was the word only that gave me pause.)

Hyperbole is a figure of speech meant to give emphasis through the use of exaggeration. It can give what we say an importance and immediacy.
Words like, "always," "forever," "never," and "only" are often used in hyperbolic statements..."
More from hip-hop artist MOsley WOtta in this beautiful piece.... posted on Aug 31 2023, 1,784 reads


Is Our Attention for Sale?
"Even though the internet and the world wide web were designed to decentralize information, our attention is increasingly and calculatedly controlled by a small number of sources whose sole aim is make money from where we place our attention. Learn why the "attention economy" demand our active resistance."... posted on Aug 30 2023, 1,834 reads


The Life Cycle of a Feather
"All creatures spirit me away from my thoughts into the real and present world. Because birds fly, they don't need to be unnoticeable and hide like mice do, so I, like most birders, notice them. The first time I really observed feathers was when I was twelve years old entranced by the flamingos at the Seattle Zoo. When I saw them shed orange/pink feathers on the ground and floating in their pond, ... posted on Aug 29 2023, 1,659 reads


Lissa Rankin: Sacred Medicine & The Mysteries of Healing
"I write a lot in Sacred Medicine about the paradoxes of healing and one of them is to be clear in your intention to heal, to do whatever's in your power to change your life, and go for it. And don't be passive, make it happen. Let go of attachment to outcomes, surrender to what is, accept the limitations that sometimes we're limited, we're not limitless. Sometimes just being able to accept those ... posted on Aug 28 2023, 3,449 reads


Eight Steps Towards Forgiveness
"No matter who you are, you have undoubtedly experienced hurt in your life. And oftentimes, that hurt is compounded by the fact that you do not have the tools necessary to offer forgiveness, and thus begin the healing process that is critical to moving on with your life. In this succinct essay, Robert Enright offers a path to help move us towards forgiveness."
... posted on Aug 27 2023, 37,614 reads


This Hunger for Holiness
"Being in the presence of Barbara Brown Taylor's wonderfully wise and meandering mind and spirit, after all these years of knowing her voice in the world, is a true joy. I might even use a religious word -- it feels like a "blessing." And this is not a conversation about the decline of church or about more and more people being "spiritual but not religious." We both agree that this often-repeated ... posted on Aug 26 2023, 4,252 reads


The Magic of Chess
Why play chess? There are as many reason as there are players. Listen to these young people from the 2019 Elementary Chess Championships in the United States and see the magic come alive.
... posted on Aug 25 2023, 1,216 reads


Your Gift to Nature
"Whenever you bring your attention to anything natural, anything that has come into existence without human intervention, you step out of the prison of conceptualized thinking and, to some extent, participate in the state of connectedness with Being in which everything natural still exists." Eckhart Tolle shares more in this brief passage.... posted on Aug 24 2023, 1,792 reads


11 Interventions in the 10 Days of Your Dying
"Wildflowers--Such color, such petal-work on the trail behind our village: Queen Annes lace, daisies, goldenrod, wild pea, purple vetch, thistle, meadowsweetI gather them, remembrance of splendor, to bring home to you." Trebbe Johnson shares more in this exquisite collage of memories from a beloved partner's last days. ... posted on Aug 23 2023, 2,875 reads


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Quote Bulletin

In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind there are few.
Shunryu Suziki

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