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Micro Moments Of Love
"Love is an emotion, a momentary state that arises to infuse your mind and body alike," writes Barbara Frederickson. Yet this transient state holds much promise beyond feeling good; love can be poignant in shaping perceptions of who we are, how we relate to the world, and even our health. Far from being a private event, love is an experience shared between people when they connect in the spirit of... posted on Dec 13 2014, 32,992 reads


How One Woman's Love Is Transforming Delhi's Brothels
G.B. Road houses a total of 77 brothels. Home to 4,000 women, and 1,500 children, it is the largest red light district in Delhi, India. An area no woman would go voluntarily. Or so you'd think. But a few years ago, Gitanjali Babbar walked right in. She quite literally knocked on the brothel doors, walked up the narrow staircases, and talked to the people there -- sipped tea with the brothel owners... posted on Dec 12 2014, 41,584 reads


Priorities & The Art of Pruning:
As life gets busier and busier, many find that it is almost impossible to juggle new ideas, new challenges or perhaps even new relationships. According to James Clear, this is where the analogy of pruning a rose bush comes into play: before we exhaust ourselves with trying to perfect the big picture perfect, we need to make careful and difficult decisions about what to cut out or trim back on. Doi... posted on Dec 11 2014, 28,948 reads


One Man's Organized Response To Disaster
When tech executive David Campbell learned about the devastation in Thailand caused by the 2004 tsunami, he was moved to action. Armed with a wireless router and duct tape he flew to Thailand where, against the odds he organized a chaotic assortment of people from around the world into a team of effective volunteers. When Campbell returned home to the U.S., Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. Us... posted on Dec 10 2014, 20,317 reads


34 Images of Heart-Warming Humanity
Popular news and media outlets often report negative stories and rarely shed light on all the good that happens on a daily basis. Here are 34 stories of random acts of kindness that will warm your heart and bring a smile to your face.... posted on Dec 09 2014, 210,455 reads


Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella
It was a cold rain, as author Kristi Jo Jedlicki made her way to the homeless shelter where she worked. While struggling to keep her umbrella from blowing away, she noticed an old friend standing by the doorway - his eyes gleaming with a soul filling joy, and in spite of the dreadful rain. When asked, he said simply "Waiting for you, of course. I had to see how my friend was doing and to make sure... posted on Dec 08 2014, 22,876 reads


Sarah Van Gelder: Unity In Diversity
Growing up under conditions of privilege in India, Sarah Van Gelder developed an interest in the underlying causes of poverty and suffering from a young age. Driven by her quest to find answers and solutions, she established Yes!Magazine, a publication that focuses on positive and uplifting initiatives by individuals and groups to foster social justice and equality around the world. Read further f... posted on Dec 07 2014, 2,985 reads


The Science Of Attention
Neuroscientist Adele Diamond is challenging basic assumptions about education. Her focus on the brain's capacity for executive function -- also called "the science of attention" -- has also shown promise for children with ADHD and autism, and for narrowing the achievement gap between children of differing socioeconomic backgrounds.... posted on Dec 06 2014, 26,329 reads


Making The Leap
There are any number of reasons one can think of to not do something. In this beguiling illustrated strip Grant Snider playfully reminds us that, for all our potential excuses, there's nothing quite the like the feeling of leaping.... posted on Dec 05 2014, 136,893 reads


The Smart Way To Stick To Habits
When trying to form new, meaningful habits, there are always the usual suspects getting in your way -- forgetfulness, apathy, time constraints and self-doubt. Writer Leo Babauta offers up key guidelines for overcoming each of these common obstacles and articulates a smart habit system to help ensure success.... posted on Dec 04 2014, 24,004 reads


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Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.
Frank Lloyd Wright

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