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Inspiring Women Speaking Up for Women
In 2014, at the tender age of 17, Malala Yousafzai was named co-recipient of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts in fighting for the rights of all children to an education. Malala's story is just one of 23 that were chosen by Salt -- a magazine devoted to celebrating those who offer authentic leadership -- as women who are making a transformative impact of the lives of other women around th... posted on Mar 04 2016, 17,359 reads


The Art of Sho: A Calligraphers's Pilgrimage
Filmmaker Jerry Hsu spent four months observing Dr. Ronald Nakasone practicing the art of calligraphy, and witnessed how this art requires contemplation, perseverance and single-minded concentration. The art of "sho" or "writing", can be properly called abstract art. It is nonfigurative, nonobjective, and nonrepresentational. The process of the work is one of experimentation and distillation. All ... posted on Mar 03 2016, 3,872 reads


Messy Works: Self-Organized Learning in the Classroom
Sugata Mitra's "Hole in the Wall" experiment in self-organized learning has garnered a lot of attention since it first begun in 1999 and won a TED prize in 2013. It demonstrated that a group of students working together, motivated by a deep question and with access to a computer, could produce amazing results. But few self-organized learning environments exist in traditional education. Maybe it's ... posted on Mar 02 2016, 7,965 reads


Peace Fleece: Spinning A Good Yarn
"Peace Fleece started as an act of protest, a way of challenging the continuation of the Cold War...Founded on the mantra of 'peace through trade,' Pete and Marty combined American and Soviet wool into yarn -- it was detente through domestic art." Read on to learn how Pete used this practice to deal with his psychological wounds from memories of Vietnam and how this project blossomed into a compan... posted on Mar 01 2016, 10,856 reads


The Radical Work of Healing
"Angela Davis and her sister Fania Davis were working for social justice before many of today's activists were born. From their childhood in segregated Birmingham, Alabama, where their friends were victims of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing, to their association with the Black Panther Party and the Communist Party, to their work countering the prison-industrial complex, their lives have cen... posted on Feb 29 2016, 10,252 reads


The Tipping Point
On her last photographic expedition to the Arctic, photographer Camille Seaman realized that the tipping point in global warming has been reached. Less than 500 miles from the North Pole, the snowless landscape was devastating. As we look at her beautiful photos we can ask with her, "What choices can I make to help shift humanity onto a healthier, more sustainable track?"... posted on Feb 28 2016, 9,796 reads


GivePhotos: Portraits for People Who've Never Been Photographed
"Given the utter ubiquity of photography in the USA, most Americans probably dont view photography as special. But in impoverished areas around the world, personal photos can be rare. On visits to her birthplace of Kolkata, India, Bipasha Shom frequently took portraits of people she met, and she was struck by how many people lacked access to a camera and had no family photos of her own." So she ca... posted on Feb 27 2016, 11,308 reads


Estella's Brilliant Bus
Even after 50 years as an educator, Estella Pyfrom was not ready to slow down after retirement. When Estella realized that fewer students had access to computers after school, she and her husband spent their life savings on a mobile learning lab called Estella's Brilliant Bus. Now, Estella provides whatever services a community might need, from after-school tutoring to free food distribution. Her ... posted on Feb 26 2016, 3,400 reads


How to Listen to Pain
In this thought-provoking Q and A, Greater Good's book review editor Jill Suttie asks author Brene Brown about the intricacies of her book 'Rising Strong.' One of the key points of the book is how we all react -- or 'listen' -- to the intense pain we may feel when we experience shame in our lives. And it is how we respond to those feelings that can either hinder our emotional well-being, or lead u... posted on Feb 25 2016, 20,618 reads


College Happiness Clubs
"College students often get stereotyped as stressed out and sleep-deprived. But at universities across the country, students are aiming to change that as they join clubs dedicated to a common, joyful purpose: spreading happiness. Northwestern University is home to one of the country's oldest college happiness clubs, which began unofficially in 2008 when a group of students handed out hot chocolate... posted on Feb 24 2016, 11,986 reads


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Storytelling is part of human continuity.
Robert Redford

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