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Ten Things Creative People Know
Do you consider yourself creative? If you answer, "no," you are in the majority; most people don't think they are creative. It turns out, though, that you don't have to be a great artist to be creative. Creativity is simply our ability to dream things up and make them happen. Cooking breakfast, planting a garden, even developing a business plan are all creative acts. Creative expression boosts ser... posted on Jul 20 2014, 20,747 reads


America's Most Tenacious Gardeners
Camden, just across the Delaware River from Philadelphia, has about the worst of any city in America. It's been ranked at various times as both the poorest and the most dangerous. As so many flee the violence and crime, it may seem strange that others are literally putting down roots. A recent study revealed that Camden's gardens may be the fastest growing in the country. The city needs fresh food... posted on Jul 19 2014, 14,122 reads


The Science of Play
Psychiatrist Stuart Brown, founder of the National Institute for Play suggests that the rough-and-tumble play of children actually prevents violent behavior and that play can grow human talents and character across a lifetime. Read more of his thoughts about what he calls the science of play.... posted on Jul 18 2014, 31,665 reads


Advocate of the Unwatched Life
"The matter of being alive is something to be investigated. I think we take it for granted too much. That we're going to wake up in the morning and just go on, do our stuff, run around, go to our jobs, have careers, and all that...In my work I'm trying to find the unmediated self. I think there are aspects of self that are unchanged, that echo the past, the present, and the future. I'm interested ... posted on Jul 17 2014, 15,197 reads


The Process of Creating New Habits
Have you ever wanted to change a bad habit or perhaps just form a new, good habit, but then found that you lack the discipline to stick to your intention? if so changing that pattern might not be as difficult as you think. This article share about the research behind forming new habits and also some guidelines for getting started.... posted on Jul 16 2014, 65,149 reads


A Physicist Speaks On Randomness & Choice
"When you look at your life...if you think about all the details of what happened to you, you will find that there was a time where you had the extra cup of coffee, where if you hadn't, you wouldn't have met Person A. When I look back in my life, I could find so many instances like that...And the course of your life depends on how you react to those opportunities and challenges that the randomness... posted on Jul 15 2014, 25,879 reads


Slomo: The Neurologist Turned Slow Motion Skater
Dr. John Kitchin was a successful neurologist who, on the surface seemed to have it all. But underneath the trappings of his material success he was ill-at-ease and unhappy. There was a haunting emptiness inside. After a serendipitous interaction with an elderly man in a cafeteria line, Kitchin decided to trade in his career and luxurious lifestyle (that included a Ferrari, an exotic animal farm a... posted on Jul 14 2014, 6,146 reads


An Illustrated Poster For People Who Love Their Work
'Arbejdsglaede' is a wonderful Scandinavian word that literally means 'work-love' or 'work-glad'. There is no direct translation for this word in the English language, so Maptia decided to use crowdsourcing to explore its meaning. More than 200 people who love their jobs shared three words that described how they felt on a Monday morning. A beautiful poster summarizes the results, with the size of... posted on Jul 13 2014, 0 reads


Mark Nepo On Being The Poem
"Every person has some gift and some trouble, and some mature deep awakened part of soul, and some other part that is blind. This is how we kind of pollinate each other in the human spring. We all need each other." Here, Tami Simon speaks with poet and philosopher Mark Nepo about relating to pain, sincerity as intelligence, the role of pilgrimage in our lives, and the spiritual path of the artist.... posted on Jul 12 2014, 23,052 reads


Music For Social Change
David France's passion for music changed his life. It took him to Venezuela where he met a mother of five who had moved out of her house so the kids on her street could form an orchestra. Children played classical music there seven days a week, transforming the barrios with music and positivity. "I was really moved by that and thought, 'When I go back to Boston when am I going to move out of my ho... posted on Jul 11 2014, 20,907 reads


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We tend to overvalue the things we can measure and undervalue the things we cannot.
John Hayes

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