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A PhD Student Turned Fruit Picker For Her Community
"There's a lot of people who say the problem is so big, nothing we can ever do will fix it," Sarah Ramirez says. "Well, if we all took that position, nothing would ever get done." After getting her PhD from Stanford and becoming Tulare County's epidemiologist, Sarah noticed troubling trends of diabetes, obesity, and food insecurity in her community. She also noticed that much fruit in the region w... posted on Feb 20 2014, 5,746 reads


My Mother's Last Words To Me
They say, a mother's greatest gift is the love that she shares -- unconditional in presentation, and with the capacity to permeate even our deepest wounds. When fear and adversity threaten our place, still a mother's love is there. In this beautiful article, author Sohaib Alvi graciously shares his dying mother's final words. And, in doing so, so brilliantly captures the essence of what it means t... posted on Feb 19 2014, 39,777 reads


Daniel Goleman on the Art of Attention
"If you go to a restaurant these days, for instance, you see people sitting together, at the same table, staring at their video screens, their phone, their iPad, or whatever it may be -- and not talking to each other," says Daniel Goleman, author of "Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence." In his book, Goleman postulates that our emotional intelligence is directly tied to our own self-awareness ... posted on Feb 18 2014, 31,476 reads


Smart Phone? Why It's Time For A Kind Phone
Looking onto the screen of his smartphone, Ted Smith, sees far more than advancements in technology and design -- he sees the faces of the many people whose lives are impacted by the decisions made during the manufacturing process. Each year, millions of tons of discarded American electronics are being ship to India, China, Pakistan, and other developing countries -- where they are sold at auctio... posted on Feb 17 2014, 13,421 reads


Tapped on the Shoulder...By A Whale
Bryant Austin is one of the few people on earth who can say their life was transformed by a literal tap on the shoulder from a whale. Austin is an experimental multimedia artist whose lifelong passion has been exploring the possibility of connecting humanity with the greatest minds in the water. His drive comes from a deep desire to understand over five million years of evolving culture and commun... posted on Feb 16 2014, 21,959 reads


Chai With Love
Meet R. Sekar, a reserved man who sells tea for a living in his little tea shop in India. With his meagre earnings, this man with a golden heart shows us that you do not have riches to help others. "I am happy with what I have and can do with even less. I do not need more. What will I do [with more]?" he asks. Read about how this big-hearted man touches the lives of those who visit his tea shop.... posted on Feb 15 2014, 27,688 reads


Contemplating Mortality
Nobody looks forward to dying. It's good to be thinking about life and living as long and as well as possible, but we shouldn't assume that death is only about suffering and its avoidance or its suppression. There are also experiences, interactions, opportunities, that are of profound value for individuals and all who love them. ... posted on Feb 14 2014, 8,593 reads


The Pain & Beauty of Change
"The reason for our suffering is our resistance to the changes in life. And life is all changes. While I resist change (and suffer) just like anyone else, I have learned to adapt. I've learned some flexibility. I've realized this: Everything changes, and this is beautiful." Generally, it seems we have two options in regards to change: we can choose to react negatively, or we can choose to react po... posted on Feb 13 2014, 44,361 reads


All Because Of George
Gone are the days when a firm handshake and a smile 'sealed the deal.' Lately, it seems that even the most beautiful of deeds are often viewed with a hint of suspicion. Have we become so distant, that we are incapable of reaching through these barriers to service? Read this most beautiful article about how one man's selfless actions restored another family's faith in humanity. Because of George, w... posted on Feb 12 2014, 33,048 reads


The Art of Revising Your Inner Storytelling
Stories are the colorful pieces of fabric woven from our interpretations of reality. Yet, there is tendency to get stuck in only one or a few ways of telling a story. What can be done to change a negative narrative into a positive one? In her book, 'How to Stay Sane', author Philippa Perry urges keeping an open mind and taking a bird's eye view of our own thinking. "We need to look at the repetiti... posted on Feb 11 2014, 36,556 reads


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It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.
Charles H. Spurgeon

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