Could a change in how we view economic systems create a change in how we view ourselves? Ecologize Growth is a micro-film based on the full length documentary, Money and Life, that seeks to answer that question. The film explores old and new perspectives and belief systems about money and how they affect society’s evolving consciousness.


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  • Nalini

    I was so happy that people have finally seen the light so to speak - the thought I have been thinking ever since the Thatcher years and Americanization of the globe is that for how long can the Mother Earth be exploited and looted by Man? She has replied.

  • Sakhivelu

    80:20 rule. 80% of the natural resources used by 20% of the population (compare per capita GDP between EM Vs DM

  • Sweet Pea

    The hope embodied in the statements of obvious leaders is uplifting--I'm not sure where I fit into this vast horizon of knowledge.

  • Susie Foster

    It's advancing a whole new paradigm, where "money" is not the only economy. In the new paradigm, management and organization of the earth's resources focus around quality of life issues for all people and living things, rather than quantity of wealth for just the dominant few. The new paradigm benefits us all, as it keeps life on earth viable.

  • Nick Heap

    I am sure the ideas in the video are true and it's great that so many people share them. I would have liked a bit more about the next steps, and just one or two things anybody can do to help.

  • Scott

    A very slick production with iconic personalities repeating key elements of a new paradigm. It creates a vague desire to somehow implement change, but this seems to quickly dissipate in the real world, unfortunately. The video's style is reminiscent of "The Secret", which is not a good thing.

  • John Anderson

    I am inspired by this video because it's saying exactly what my book: The Art of Being Human is saying, and my website: We need to move from what I call the Appropriation Paradigm, which divides to conquer, to the Holistic paradigm, which unites to appease. Best Regards John

  • Lisa H.

    I appreciated Judy Wicks' words on how we can grow. We can grow by; Raising consciousness Increasing our knowledge Deepening our relationships Being Healthier Increasing our well being Having more fun All things we can continue to do in our everyday lives. Great peace of film.

  • Mark Stamper

    That I'm not the only one who thinks this way. There is hope . . .

  • jeanetta anderson

    I love everything about this video! My conscience was elevated and I know that it will do the same for all who watch. Good job!!

  • Page 1

  • Meet the experts at the Money and Life Movie website.  
  • Learn more about Charles Eisenstein, an expert interviewed in the film, on his blog Reality Sandwich, evolving consciousness bite by bite.
  • Participate in the growing economy of Time Banking, founded by expert Dr. Edgar S. Cahn.

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