Brene Brown studies human connection - our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, witty, and highly relevant talk at TEDxHouston, she shares a deep insight from her research; one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. It's worth taking out the 20 minutes for this one.


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  • Terry Demello

    An eye opener. I am at the crossroads of my life and this video has really made me think! Thank you Brene.

  • Kristy

    What an important video. I am traversing the vulnerable road

  • Barbara

    This video was beautiful. People that are vulnerable and are willing to reveal who they really are, are people we all want to be around because they bring out the best in us and those around us. I find it sad that when someone is telling a story about being vulnerable, that one of the commenters has to criticize with such mean spiritedness. This is why most people fear being vulnerable in the first place. We are so afraid of the constant criticism of others that our whole society has shut down and we have isolated ourselves from our fellow men and women. Who cares if her English was imperfect? When will we learn?

  • Hareesh

    When would people stop this "I was like", "I am like", "She is like" etc? What kind of English is this? Coming as it does from a native speaker (a researcher at that), this is unpardonable.

  • papillon

    Her sharing her own vulnerability here is what makes this talk truly sparkle! Thank you Brene!

  • dugood

    it affirms my beliefs! and how lead my life.Dr. Brown is awesome!

  • Uzma Altaf

    Great Speech.It has changed my thinking.

  • joel

  • Annemarie

    As I watched this video I realized this is ME........... I knew all about "Feel the fear and do it anyway". I worked out many things with that thought. Yet, I knew inside of me there was still something not quite complete. This video put me on the way to learning "Courage, Fear, and Vulnerability". Everything I so needed to hear. I thank Brene, for she opened up a way for me to understand these thoughts. If it makes sense to me I can do anything. She made it make sense. Also, my friend Susie, who sent me this video. I love how at the moment in my life when I needed to hear those words I receive this from my friend. I just love blessings!

  • Jo

    She is so real and real is funny! (and profound) Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for showing me the way.!

  • Lavanya

    Thank you! This was just the missing gap I was trying to fill!

  • Tracey

    Beautiful! I am sending this to my mom today for Valentines Day.

  • iris rubio

    I am a survivor, a recovered alcoholic for 25 yrs. also a Cancer survivor. I think this is a wonderful topic on working at being the change we want to see in the world. Namaste i

  • Diane M Johnson

    OMGosh I just realized that is to words OM and GOSH! This was a wonderful video and my heart is full right now! I am on my way to locate more information on this wonderful researcher/storyteller!

  • Page 1

  • Explore all four elements of living life with whole heart - courage, compassion, connection, and vulnerability - through the simple but powerful practice of kind acts.  
  • Practice a profound act of support. Compassionate listening creates an accepting and loving space for people to open to the reality of their lives and feelings.
  • Give yourself 10 minutes of silence every day to access the place where you can see your true self, love with your whole heart, feel gratitude, and hear that you are enough.

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