Growing up and growing old sounds like a logical notion but it also appears to be a surreal process that we don't realise is happening until it has happened. This trailer for "Present Perfect," gives you a glimpse into a yet-to-be released film which explores the very real experience of aging in America. Providence Mount St. Vincent in Seattle, Washington, is home to more than 400 elderly residents and it is also home to a pre-school. Documenting the interactions of the very young and the very old, this film asks what it is these two groups can offer each other while affirming the power of human connection.


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  • Penny

    The innocence of the children as to the joy they were bringing their elders. No boundaries of ageism for them. So much joy being shared. Very beautiful.

  • Maryann

    I loved my grandparents and spent many hours with them as I was growing up. In fact, my maternal grandparents lived with us for many years. There are so many great memories and feelings associated with this time in my life. I still share many of the stories that I was told with others. When my husband and I had the opportunity to take his mother and father into our home we welcomed that experience. The positive influence that the older generation has on the younger generation, and the effervescence of youth that children share with the older generation is priceless. My children will carry the memories of their grandparents with them for their lifetime. All these experiences were blessings to me and to my entire family.

  • Jeff

    OK, now that I've composed myself, I remember a Haitian proverb that says 'if you didn't know how old you are how old would you be?' The simplicity of real needs are more apparent with the very old and very young and the people in the middle owe it to them to provide for those needs. Love and compassion are at the top of that list, I'd say. That stat that went by in the video said in 25 years the number of people 65 and older will double...that includes me...and maybe you, too.

  • kristi johnson

    I live in a retirement community and while I am 67 I have met many active people in their 90's. Some would so benefit from having a pre-school here.

  • giang (zon) le

    in the Circle of is natural... the question and the challenge is how and now?!! together and only together will we be able to make it happen...a life without regret. in the eyes of a child....what's stopping you? in harmony a way of life zon

  • Kristof

    I feel very sad after watching this trailer. My dad is 72 and mam 65,they both are healthy strong and most important wise. When I was growing up he would always tell me that we are here to help each other to become fully happy and satisfied in all needs personalities.When I was getting married they split the land and gave us full support in building our new home.Because of them I know that I need them around for my children to grow up fully happy and satisfied in all needs personalities. Right now I do not have what they have,they are super heroes and us me and my wife want to become one day too.

  • Heather

    What an awesome model. What great potential for love, inspiration, wellness - all good things.

  • Ron

    Beautiful. Great to see this... simply love

  • eileen McDargh

    Amazing. Joy and tear-filled. It brings the entire circle of life into focus. Important work. I will pass this along

  • Barbara

    And the old are not the only marginalized groups....mentally challenged, isolation is a huge problem. We are a society in need of realizing that we need to re-create ways of the village, where everyone is able to belong. It is one of the challenges of urbanization but one which can be solved....perhaps then we will have much less need for our devices and we will dance with each other again (all of us) :)

  • Marie

    The pure beauty of innocent love shared by both young & old.

  • Kathy

    The connection these two age groups have for each other proves you are never too old to connect with the younger generation. If you can feel the connection in your heart you are never too old for Love. The young and old are so much alike in the way they love unconditionally.

  • Mae

    I want to see places like this become the norm, available in every city in the country. This is the way it should be!

  • Dr. Ann Evans

    The mutual respect and appreciation of the young and the old.

  • Page 1

  • This film is still in production, learn more about this forthcoming feature directed and produced by Evan Briggs.
  • Learn about the awesome organization HelpAge USA which is a global movement for the rights and wellbeing of older people. 
  • Is there an elderly person that you know or who you see around from time to time in your neighborhood? Pop in to see them for a chat and a cup of tea or ask them out for a walk in the sun.  

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