The effervescent "Kid President" (AKA Robbie Novak) serves-up a half-time pep talk guaranteed to light your fire. He chides us for being boring and encourages us to "take the path that leads to awesome." We have work to do, he says, "and we can cry about it or we can dance about it... It is everybody's duty to give the world a reason to dance."


 Your Name: Email:
  • Dana

    Don't stop believing...unless your dream is stupid. Then you should get another dream. :) Love this little guy! xoxoxoxo

  • Virginia Reeves

    We are all in the same team - right? Let's treat one another with the mindset and spirit to be considerate, supportive, and not be boring !

  • Roe De Pinto

    Children in themselves are my inspiration- their innocence and realism speaks volumes to me!

  • Melanie

    My son asked me to watch this the evening before having to deliver a eulogy at the memorial service of a special young man who had been tragically killed in an accident the week before and I was grappling with the writing of the eulogy..... This pep talk epitomized everything that this young man was about - awesome! Giving everyone that he met a reason to smile and dance! So thank you Kid President, my son Dario and Mohale who gave me a reason to smile and dance!

  • Nathan

    The act that this is coming from the children today , imagine what will come from the children tomorrow?

  • Kgothatso

    Self motivation from that cute boy, believing he can make something awesome and bring change! i love it.

  • Jo

    I want to be on the one path that leads to awesome too. Thanks for such a heartfelt and inspiring video to begin thinking about how one person can give the world something awesome. I'm going to chase this goal until I figure it out.

  • Jules

    I work with a lot of kids and this will assist them to see that kids make a lot of wonderful creations including this video.

  • cind walsh

    From the voice of a child. we need to stand up and believe in ourselves.

  • claire

    lets all just do something awesome every day no matter what our age ..let every day be an opportunity! claire

  • Vin

    The kid is lucky as he is not struggling with day to day food and shelter. Only in america a kid can get away with such things. He should be studying or playing and not worry about this shit we are talking about. We are too rich here and we need such stupid diversion.let him stay as kid!

  • bijan

    lets dance and be happy and love each other!

  • sherry

    Everything! I feel a dance coming on...:)

  • Linda Gray

    Love the "all on the same team" theme. Hoping for another pep talk, Kid! Awesome!

  • Rosie

    What's not to love!? Wisdom and humor and's all good!

  • Cottage Sue

    Way to go Kid President!

  • Eva

    Loved it! Let's have fun! And show others it's possible. Maybe they'll think it's a good idea… and jump in! Enjoy the ride! Thanks,

  • Brian

    Thanks guys...Lead on...all on the same team...

  • kali ma

    If only we would listen to our children.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    This is so much awesomeness, makes me smile Every time :) Thank you Kid President! Now let's get out there and DO something! :)

  • Loretta

    "Out of the Mouth of Children" really does apply to this young man, Robbie Novak! Thanks "Kid President" for your awesome message.

  • Julie

    Hi Kid President, I will vote for you when the time comes! You are awesomeness :)

  • Rosemarie Calavas

    This video is Amazing!!! Thank You for sharing,we all need" Wonderful Words of Wisdom"<3

  • Vicky

    I love this video although I have to say my favorite line is "not cool Robert Frost." So much wisdom from the heart of a child.

  • Michele

    I was just thinking of all of this and talking about it to my family. We are all attuned to one another. I would so much love to acknowledge children in this way SO SO much more often! So I will. I sure hope others do, too all the while knowing it is up to each individual to allow this for themselves. I am grateful. Thank you!

  • Page 1

  • Kid President is the work of 9 year old Robbie and his somewhat older brother-in-law Bradley.  Check-out the story of their collaboration.
  • Kid President picks on the famous poem, "The Road Not Taken": "Not cool Robert Frost!" (Re)read the poem and this commentary, and decide the coolness for yourself.
  • Decide what you are going to do today to be less boring, more awesome, and give the world a reason to dance.

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