A film by Our Better World.

Death is something we all experience and yet still fear. The end of your life can be a dark and seemingly hopeless time. Can those who are dying truly live? At Dover Park Hospice in Singapore, volunteers provide dignity to those at the end of their lives in unconventional methods. Some volunteers provide beautiful music for residents to enjoy. Others give haircuts to boost resident’s self esteem. Even non-human volunteers give their time to brighten the days and provide hope to those who may not have it. See what our furry friend Tuxedo is doing to light up the lives of residents at Dover Park Hospice. A little hope goes a long way.


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  • Linda

    I have a very dear friend who is actively dying just down the street from my home. She is, in my humble opinion, the most amazing person I have ever met. Her comfort comes from her many close friends but she gets the most from her pets. The unconditional love they have always provided her throughout her remarkable life, I believe, has been a huge source of inspiration for all of her selfless contributions to the lives of others. The world will be losing a precious being when she passes, but the spirit of her life will live on within all of us who know her. Especially when we reach down and accept the love from our pets. Dearest Kathleen will reflect in the faces of all living beings great and small.

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  • Learn more about Dover Park Hospice and how you can help this organization continue to inspire and give hope to their residents.
  • Find out more about hospice care and volunteer at a local elderly home to share your passions with the residents.
  • Write your loved ones letters to show much you appreciate them and the little things they do for you.

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