Colin Tudge’s Great Re‑Think

This website is intended to identify and develop the ideas needed to rescue humanity and our fellow creatures from what is now the brink of total disaster — for if only we did conceptually simple things well then we and our fellow creatures could still be looking forward to a long and glorious future: the next million years for starters.

Recent articles from the Blog

The Unintended Consequences of Eating Less Meat.


Against a barrage of calls to cut our meat consumption I believe there have been some unintended consequences that work against most people’s desire to eat more responsibly.

The road to renaissance


Nothing short of a cross-the-board transformation – Renaissance — is needed to rescue the world from its present decline. But, says Colin Tudge, we first need to lay the foundations Truly the world needs Renaissance – re-birth. We, humanity, need to re-think everything we do and take for granted from first principles and start again, … Read more

Four great thinkers whose ideas could save the world


Colin Tudge nominates four 20th century prophets who between them said most of what we need to know to put the world to rights. But the powers-that-be have their own agendas  The world is in an awful state and – worse – the world’s most powerful governments and the powers-that-be in general are not on … Read more

GUEST EDITORIAL by Professor Tim Gorringe: The Christian attitude to nature


Christian theologian Tim Gorringe argues that “To trash or seek to dominate this Creation is not simply unethical but is ‘the most horrid blasphemy’” In his recent blog “Fellow Creatures” Colin Tudge suggests that the traditional Christian attitude to the natural world is inadequate, not to say flawed. Christians, he says, take their lead from … Read more

The Big Idea

The Big Idea is divided into the following chapters: 

The pic — of me (CT) among some of John Letts’ Heritage wheat in Buckinghamshire — encapsulates some of the prime themes of The Great Re-Think. For John raises genetically diverse cereals on soils of low fertility year-on-year: no fertilizer, no pesticide, no herbicide, no digging, no fallow, and all wonderfully wildlife-friendly: key principles of agroecology applied to arable. All this is the complete opposite of the modern, industrial trend — monocultures of uniform crops chemicalized to the hilt. To rescue the world at this late hour we need to apply such radical thinking to all aspects of life.

Colin Tudge among some of John Letts’s Heritage wheat in Buckinghamshire

Recent comments

  1. Dear Colin, Finding this morning, to my huge delight, very recent commentaries of yours on the Net, I venture to…