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because we’ve forgotten where our real nourishment should lie: inside. And it’s something we have to be responsible for. No one else can do this work for us.So look at the way you breathe, look at the way you talk to yourself about the breath, about other issues that might come in and interfere with the breath. Look at the perceptions you’re holding in mind — again, about the breath itself and also about the things that would pull your way — and learn how to sort them out.When you engage in these fabrications with knowledge, you can put an end to suffering. If you do it in ignorance, you’re going to create more suffering. It’s your choice. And... posted on Apr 8 2024 (3,056 reads)

and in its tone, with the sound coming from the unique formations, minerals, and shape of the Luray Caverns. Each note reverberates across the caverns creating an otherworldly, all encompassing sound. Listen to the World's Largest Instrument It’s difficult to describe just how incredible this instrument sounds, so here is a short video from one of our favorite video creators, Great Big Story, to give you a special listen. Via: Great Big Story ³ Now, if you’re a curious sort, or musically inclined, you may have some questions about how this whole thing works. How does the sound make its way to the organ? Who plays this thing? Do you need to tune it? These are all gr... posted on Apr 25 2024 (4,243 reads)

away, actually in a car accident a few months after she arrived and she was just a college student. I think about her often and just wanted to honor her for bringing me to the United States. In my youth and most of my childhood, I was really achievement-oriented. It wasn't for fame or money, but if I could name one thing, it was probably to honor my mama and baba -- they gave up so much of their life, to provide a future for me. I remember working on the Wall Street, fresh out of college and sort of being proud of myself for getting the hardest job to get, coming out of school. It was during my first year that I remember this very poignant and chilling moment, which had a huge impact. I w... posted on May 11 2024 (2,595 reads)

excerpt from Christian McEwen’s In Praise of Listening (October 2023, Bauhan Publishing).] Alice Cozzolino is an extraordinary cook; one might almost call her a “food whisperer.” For most of her life, she has thought of herself as “one who feeds.” It is a skill that reaches back to very early childhood.  When Alice was a girl, she and her mother would make pasta e fagiole every week. The night before, the two of them would sit together in the kitchen sorting beans. Her mother would pour them out across the table, the pea beans and the lentils and the navy beans, all mixed up together, making one pile for Alice and another for herself. Then, taking... posted on May 20 2024 (1,428 reads)

and fundraisers and raising gazillions of dollars. But the energetic was very devastating. I felt crushed by how much I felt the people. I was shaking hundreds of hands every day. There were moms who couldn't pay for childcare. There were seniors who didn't have healthcare. And it was right after the financial collapse. So, there was huge unemployment. It was daunting to think of how these problems could be solved. And the political process is so harsh. I remember, I have one memory that was sort of a seminal moment in the campaign. It was on Earth Day in the spring of 2012. I was backstage getting mic'd up to go on stage for the debate. This woman who I never met, found her way backstage... posted on Dec 31 1969 (25 reads)

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Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin

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