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How Greed Could Save the World
What if all this time weve been greedy for the wrong things? What if the work we're doing to solve the world's problems is destined to stay small and ultimately fail? In this talk, filled with gripping stories and humbling experiences, Hawah Kasat, an award-winning community organizer and leader, explores some of the deep illusions behind the social sector. In a world that is crumbling between our... posted on Oct 20, 1257 reads

Grief as Deep Activism
No one escapes suffering in this life. Yet we live in a collective denial, deprived of meaningful ways to speak of sorrows and collective practices of releasing grief. Francis Weller walks us to the shore of sorrows and shows us how this ocean ripples through our individual lives, through community, and into the Earth herself. He invites us to see the illusion of private pain that imprisons us. He... posted on Oct 22, 48104 reads

Carol Sanford: Indirect Work
Building on over four decades of her research and experience, author Carol Sanford's latest book, "Indirect Work," explores how a deep understanding of living systems can translate into "a practical human technology for daily life at home and work. Through foundational wisdom and exercises for self-discovery, this guide will illuminate your understanding of the unlimited power of regenerative chan... posted on Nov 1, 1554 reads

The Practice Before the Practice
"From the moment we open our eyes, we are meaning-seeking creatures, looking for what matters though we carry what matters deep within us. And more than the hard-earned understandings we arrive at, more than the principles or beliefs we stitch together out of our experience, how we stay in relationship to the mysterious Whole of Life is what brings us alive and keeps us alive. Everyone knows first... posted on Nov 6, 1878 reads

This short film about self love by Hannah Grace animates a feeling of unworthiness that many of us have had at some point or another - or maybe most of the time - but we don't admit it to anyone. This simple and beautiful movie shows how destructive negative messages may become. We can absorb so many unhealthy messages from childhood that end up being reinforced by social media and more. Soon we a... posted on Nov 10, 2307 reads

Cultivating Inner Stillness for Compassionate Service
"Make the world your Temple. In 2019, Sarah Tulivu had been given this clear instruction by two Taoist masters, including her direct teacher, Master Waysun Liao. At the time, Sarah, ordained as Fong Yi, was living and training full-time as a monk in a Taoist temple in Lago Atitln, Guatemala. For six years, she had practiced meditation and the embodied consciousness practice of taiji (tai chi) in ... posted on Nov 14, 1964 reads

Personal Integrity in C.P. Cavafy's Poetry
"The current world situation, with war raging in the Middle East and Ukraine, presents a particular challenge to those people who wish to take a unified perspective one which goes beyond polarities and tribalism in search of justice and humanity. It is hard to know how to respond. At such a time, the gentle but insistent voice of Constantine Cavafy, the modern Greek poet, carries a welcome remind... posted on Nov 26, 1279 reads

Extraordinary Ordinary People
Around the world, an army of unsung heroes are upon us. These are not saints, but very human individuals, who, bolstered by their engaged spirituality, have surfaced deep contributions to the fabric of their communities, fields, and the world at large. "A lot of the reporting on religion is often negative. It's about abuse, it's about corruption, it's about the decline of a particular institutiona... posted on Jan 13, 1993 reads

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Quote Bulletin

We owe our loyalty to each other and to our children's children, not to party politics.
DaShanne Stokes

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