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for you? Can you share that with me? MN: Yes. I think that the pots for me after that were more subtle for me. I mean, my way of relating and inquiring into the world has always been constant since then, but my sense of being more and more inhabiting all the things I’m learning about… I mean, more deeply inhabiting being here, there is no there, there’s only here, all that matters is relationship. You know how the Dalai Lama has famously said his religion was kindness? Well, I think mine is friendship, and living into that more and more. So the points of when my, I think, going through maybe 10 years ago a handful of deaths of people who were important ... posted on Jul 16 2023 (3,731 reads)

On February 13th, 2021, Sue passed peacefully at home. In honor of her life and legacy, we share one of her beautiful "Unconditional Love" posts here... September 7th, 2018 I was surprised and honored to be invited as a keynote speaker last month in Atlanta for an innovative national health care organization. A few years ago, my brother introduced me to his friend, the CEO of this company, via e-mail. He is a remarkable leader and writer who follows my cancer journey with kindness and support. We agreed I would focus part of the talk on the terminal cancer diagnosis and how I stay positive, even joyful, despite this challenge. I knew the team was young, and I wanted at... posted on Oct 31 2023 (53,856 reads)

see them better. But to look into the face of a person that’s having a transcendent experience. It’s quite something, and especially en masse. I find that each time I’m playing and doing a concert, I feel that I’m doing something to help rehabilitate the world, or it’s a remedy for the world in some kind of way. And I don’t mean that in a high-blown kind of way… Tippett:No, no. I know. Cave:…in fact, to me, it’s like a small act of kindness too, in the way that we all have the opportunity to do. But there is also a mysterious and transcendent element to music. Tippett:So I have to ask you — Cave:That was an incredibl... posted on Dec 6 2023 (3,281 reads)

a different perspective, particularly when caught in the clutches of self-doubt and uncertainty. During a coaching session addressing the entrepreneur’s concerns about the future, Julie asked: “If you had a friend facing a similar situation, what advice would you offer them?” The response, a profound realization, emphasized the importance of being gentle toward the self: “I would say, ‘Give yourself some grace.’”  By offering ourselves the same kindness and understanding we readily provide to others, we create space for growth. Acknowledging that progress may unfold gradually, you can short-circuit your negative thoughts right in their track... posted on Apr 3 2024 (3,809 reads)

and a multitude of beautiful possibilities daring to be born. Best of all, they don’t require you to change who you are, but to be who you are – fully, and in service to something greater.Third shift: become the people of both/andAcknowledge Country and ask your MP and Prime Minister to support the Uluru Statement.Give to causes you believe in and speak out for policy change. Avoid single use plastics and make sure your investments aren’t tied up in fossil fuels. Choose kindness and run for office, or help someone you believe in do the same. All of this takes some learning, as well as some unlearning. The economic and cultural conditioning of the last five decades ha... posted on Apr 10 2024 (1,875 reads)

than those at Sarvodaya’s private and public sector counterparts. Nonviolence, on the other hand, is a term freely adopted from Gandhian rhetoric and practice. Although the Sarvodaya way clearly rests on the principles of nonviolence, it does not endorse passivity or meekness. Rather, respect for all life is a bedrock value of this movement. In this sense, the Sarvodaya commitment to the well-being of all necessarily requires acceptance of the Buddhist principle of metta, or loving kindness — the opposite of violence. Founder Ariyaratne has been true to this value from the start. “We should not have even an iota of doubt regarding non-violence, justice and the correc... posted on Dec 31 1969 (45 reads)

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Healing yourself is connected with healing others.
Yoko Ono

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