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and addressing institutional racism and injustice, flaws in our public health networks and economies, we also must pay attention to how any action or change we institute will affect the natural world. Climate change and climate injustice must be at the center of everything we do, every policy and plan we make from now on if we are to continue to have an earth that sustains life. Helen and I have created a website to accompany our exhibit:  It provides education, resources, art/science collaboration, activism....and HOPE for being present to the increasing threat we all face. Our mission is to encourage people to focus on what they love and care abo... posted on Sep 26 2023 (3,198 reads)

follows is the transcript of an Insights at the Edge interview between Tami Simon and Deb Dana. You can listen to the audio version of the interview here. Tami Simon: Welcome to Insights at the Edge, produced by Sounds True. My name is Tami Simon. I’m the founder of Sounds True. And I’d love to take a moment to introduce you to the new Sounds True Foundation. The Sounds True Foundation is dedicated to creating a wiser and kinder world by making transformational education widely available. We want everyone to have access to transformational tools, such as mindfulness, emotional awareness, and self-compassion, regardless of financial, social, or physical chall... posted on Nov 12 2023 (5,192 reads)

can bounce back better from a disappointment if we pay more attention to our internal dialogue. All of us have experienced disappointment, sadness, and setbacks at work. A few years ago, Julien served as an academic leader at a regional university for three years. He gave his full heart and soul to the role. He was on a mission to do good. At the same time, the university was undergoing a budget crisis that culminated with the global pandemic. The university had no choice but to restructure, and, when it did, Julien lost his role and returned to the faculty.  In the crucible of organizational change, Julie hit a crossroads after dedicating 15 years to building an impactful organiz... posted on Apr 3 2024 (3,768 reads)

to do? When the great Naomi Klein gets asked this question, she answers: “Stop thinking of yourself as an individual.” I would add to that one small word: “only.”Stop thinking of yourself only as an individual.Second shift: there’s no one right way to be a changemakerHonour what makes you, you. Instead of judging it as imperfect, see how you might use it in a way that connects to something bigger: to community, to democracy, to business and finance, culture, education… to whatever and with whomever you belong. Who can you team up with to learn, divest, inspire, re-imagine, include? Who can you listen to, and how can you use your voice to influence ... posted on Apr 10 2024 (1,854 reads)

am I going to do with my life? What really matters to me? How will I leave my mark? These questions can fill us with hope, inspiration, and direction when we have some sense of what the answers may be. If we don’t, they can fill us with confusion, frustration, and irritation. Leading a life of purpose, or making an enduring commitment to contributing to the broader world in personally meaningful ways, is associated with a range of benefits, including better physical health, enhanced psychological well-being, superior academic achievement, and enriched social connections. Despite these advantages, leading a life of purpose is rare, as researcher William Damon describes in his 200... posted on May 1 2024 (3,444 reads)

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All knowledge that has lasted is knowledge that makes us recognize interconnections.
Vandana Shiva

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