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The Unexpected Antidote to Procrastination
"A recent early morning hike in Malibu, California, led me to a beach, where I sat on a rock and watched surfers. I marveled at these courageous men and women who woke before dawn, endured freezing water, paddled through barreling waves, and even risked shark attacks, all for the sake of, maybe, catching an epic ride. After about 15 minutes, it was easy to tell the surfers apart by their style o... posted on Jun 13, 36751 reads

The Relationship Between Self-Compassion & Procrastination
What causes us to procrastinate, and how can we change our relationship with this tricky habit? Beyond "just getting started," consultant and life coach Linda Graham suggests that self-compassion may be the key to addressing procrastination and its cycle of negativity.... posted on Oct 9, 59938 reads

How to Stop Procrastinating
More than once during your ongoing game of dodge-the-guy-in-accounting, you have pondered the obvious: Why don't I just fill out the form already? Why is it that I still haven't turned in an expense report from months ago? You can take solace in the fact that you are, at least, not alone. "Everyone procrastinates," says Joseph Ferrari, a DePaul University psychology professor who has extensively r... posted on Jun 24, 5301 reads

How To Eliminate Procrastination
In 2009, Fred Stutzman, a graduate student at the University of North Carolina was trying his best to complete important work on his thesis. But, the attraction of free wireless internet access at his local coffee shop, made this goal nearly impossible. He tried unplugging, but to no avail -- the urge to connect was far too strong to resist. Later that evening, Stutzman returned home to create a s... posted on Jul 6, 43803 reads

The Seinfeld Strategy To Stop Procrastination
Jerry Seinfeld, co-creator of one of the longest running comedy series in television has a brilliant strategy for getting things done. And, it's not what you might think. It involves taking your mind off the results, and focusing on the joy of the process instead. Read more to learn the importance of 'not breaking the chain.'
... posted on Dec 31, 74705 reads

Learning to Learn: You, Too, Can Rewire Your Brain
"The studio for what is arguably the world's most successful online course is tucked into a corner of Barb and Phil Oakley's basement, a converted TV room that smells faintly of cat urine. (At the end of every video session, the Oakleys pin up the green fabric that serves as the backdrop so Fluffy doesn't ruin it.) This is where they put together "Learning How to Learn," taken by more than 1.8 mil... posted on Jul 31, 3092 reads

Katy Milkman: How to Change
"In her new book, How to Change, Katy Milkman offers simple yet profound insights about why better understanding our own internal obstacles--such as laziness, procrastination, forgetfulness, or our tendency to favor instant gratification over long-term rewards--is key to changing ourselves for good. Too often, books deliver one-size-fits-all approaches to common goals, like getting in shape or eat... posted on Jan 19, 2142 reads

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The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.
Charles Darwin

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