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am no technophobe, but I do believe in living consciously … and technology has a tendency to overrun our attention and our lives. It’s designed to do that: tech companies are motivated to keep our attention in their apps, their websites, their devices. They’ve found incentives for us to keep using the technology, shiny new things every second, powerful recommendation engines, tapping into our desire not to miss out, to be entertained, to run to comfort. But you know all that. The problem comes when we try to figure out how to get a grip on it all, to tame technology to do what we need and then let it go so we can be more present, go outside more, move more, be conn... posted on Jan 12 2019 (7,622 reads)

that, despite the festival’s cancellation, “Echoes of the Invisible” was awarded the ZEISS Cinematography Award for “the very best imagery in storytelling. I’ve seen a rough edit of the film, and it’s a masterpiece. Here’s a lightly edited version of our conversation: Can You briefly explain the concept of the film? The film became a reflection on the importance of silence and stillness in the digital age. Thinking about our relationship to technology at this point in human history, it’s a really critical moment. Technology is becoming increasingly, intimately integrated into our lives. We’re becoming dependent on it for so m... posted on Jun 27 2021 (7,016 reads)

spiritual needs so that you can stay grounded yet integrated and authentic in both pursuits? We are hoping to explore some of these questions not only with Jacob but also with all of you. We have a remarkable moderator today, Preeta Bansal. She is a lawyer by trade who spent some time in the private sector and in the public sector by serving under both the Clinton and the Obama administrations. She is currently a lecturer at MIT and working with their lab for social machines, determining how technology can be used for social emergence. So Preeta, thank you as well, for joining us today and for being our guide. We love to hear your thoughts as well on today's theme and have a wonderful... posted on Jul 4 2015 (8,818 reads)

happens when we become too dependent on our mobile phones? According to MIT sociologist Sherry Turkle, author of the new book Reclaiming Conversation, we lose our ability to have deeper, more spontaneous conversations with others, changing the nature of our social interactions in alarming ways. Turkle has spent the last 20 years studying the impacts of technology on how we behave alone and in groups. Though initially excited by technology’s potential to transform society for the better, she has become increasingly worried about how new technologies, cell phones in particular, are eroding the social fabric of our communities. In her previous book, the bestselling Al... posted on Jul 31 2016 (31,129 reads)

we place on this capacity to efficiently synthesize information and translate it to new contexts risks creating hollow answers in response to questions with real human stakes, the most existential of our challenges. Rather than giving us answers, generative AI could help take them away. WHEN I FIRST read technologist James Bridle’s work, I began to understand why this type of intelligence is so rewarded, especially when we take a step back and look at the broader field of computing and technology. As Bridle and others in media ecology have explored, technology shapes the way we think, and what we believe to be smart, innovative, or intelligent. In their book Ways of Being, Bridle en... posted on May 15 2024 (3,288 reads)

has long been a tenet of Eastern philosophy and indigenous cosmologies. But the recent addition of the Internet has added a new layer, which connects us in a fresh way, giving the world a new type of central nervous system. Something happens in one place, and we can see it, feel it, and do something about it almost instantaneously. Technology is clearly changing us, especially the way we connect with our friends, families, and the world around us. It has this huge potential. But technology has also led to some of the biggest problems of our day. It’s accelerating our connectedness in ways we can’t even predict or be completely aware of. Take the honeybees and thei... posted on Oct 3 2011 (21,411 reads)

putatively in charge. Ms. Tippett: Right. Mr. Godin: And yet we ignore this bottom-up thing when in fact it's the thing we are most likely to be able to touch and change. (Sound bite of music) Ms. Tippett: Also I think what you're pointing at in a lot of your work is that because of the way the world has changed subjectively, because we're living in a post-geography world. That's a phrase you use. Because we have what you call a connection economy, we — technology is actually empowering that bottom-up change, right, and kind of dismantling the hierarchical overbearing leader model that a lot of us actually still grew up with. Mr. Godin: And at the... posted on Sep 27 2013 (29,480 reads)

networking via the Internet 21. Graphic user interface (GUI) 22. Digital photography/videography 23. RFID and applications (e.g., EZ Pass) 24. Genetically modified plants 25. Bio fuels 26. Bar codes and scanners 27. ATMs 28. Stents 29. SRAM flash memory 30. Anti retroviral treatment for AIDS Before the winners could be selected from the vast number of entries, the Wharton judges first had to define what innovation means in an age dominated by digital technology, medical advancements and mobile communications. The judges included Ian MacMillan, director of the Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurial Research Center; Thomas Colligan, vice dean, Wharton Execut... posted on Nov 17 2013 (36,337 reads)

studies, deliberately selecting activities that matter. In our world, food, family even and free play have a firm place, often touted as sacred and protected ground. And since our life is designed to fully embrace living it, we have to be mindful of all the pieces that might creep in and occupy more than their fair share. Technology is one of those pieces. All at once, it seems, our children began leaving diapers, cribs and strollers for backpacks, playdates and sports. Seemingly, the technology infiltrated just as suddenly. One day I was managing public preschool television programming and a small selection of desktop computer games, the next, portable devices, social networks, e-... posted on Apr 17 2015 (17,904 reads)

and Marino have used tremendous creativity to infuse the environment with a sense of informality, personality, even frivolity.That’s a refreshing dose of humility from a 60-something leader with an enviable track record of business success. Rite-Solutions president Joe Marino, also a 60-something technologist, echoes this outlook on leadership. “There’s nothing wrong with experience,” he says. “The problem is when experience gets in the way of innovation. In technology-driven industries, maybe in most industries, the higher you rise, the more removed you get from what’s actually going on. As founders, the one thing we know is that we don’t kno... posted on Jun 17 2013 (26,451 reads)

Steps to A Healthier Relationship with Technology I’ve written about digital technology for 35+ years, most of the time in Silicon Valley. Over the decades our evolving devices, and what we can do with them, have dramatically transformed almost every facet of our lives -- from how we bank, travel, and shop, to more abstract realms like how we derive a sense of self-worth, how we forge and sustain relationships, and how we choose to spend our attention. I think the first step to getting a human and humane handle on this rapid transition from a nature-based to a digital-based society is for us all – individually and collectively; technologists and the public - to... posted on Apr 8 2015 (21,841 reads)

Some of them are clinical. I'm not an M.D. by the way, and I don't pretend to be one or play one in the public forum. I am a Ph.D. But we do work with clinical populations and psychological populations and patients with Alzheimer's and dementia. But we also do a lot of basic science research. We're still trying to uncover all of these nutritional benefits that sleep provides to the brain and body. The explosion of research and understanding about sleep has been driven by technology. We have these new methods of brain science to explore sleep in ways that we never could before. We can measure patterns of brain wave activity during sleep. And we can also peer deep into ... posted on May 31 2017 (59,323 reads)

who say "We can't do anything good. We have to retreat, to be with people who look like us, get off in our own tribe and hate the rest of the world.”      That's not what we do. Question: You mentioned scale. And that related to ambition. There's almost a Zen koan you speak about: "Live your life without ambition, but live as those who are ambitious." On one hand, you have these very strong, ethical positions but you also ran two public technology companies. How have you been able to reconcile your involvement in the tech sector with your spiritual work? Larry: A Silicon Valley kind of question. Ambition is actually a Greek word. ... posted on Nov 8 2017 (15,967 reads)

are not seeing the continuation of something that was very good and positive at the beginning. We're not seeing the continuation of civil rights, of women's rights. We're not seeing the continuation of even voting rights in this country. And then you look at the circumstances of women and girls around the world, and it's dreadful. Women and children are weapons of war. Rape is a weapon of war now. And those are not signs of progress. Now, I thought you were going to talk about technology, which many people think about. TS: Yes, I was going to get there so let's go right there, yes. MW:Again, I'm not I'm not speaking for myself, I'm quoting other a... posted on Mar 29 2018 (27,854 reads)

are not seeing the continuation of something that was very good and positive at the beginning. We're not seeing the continuation of civil rights, of women's rights. We're not seeing the continuation of even voting rights in this country. And then you look at the circumstances of women and girls around the world, and it's dreadful. Women and children are weapons of war. Rape is a weapon of war now. And those are not signs of progress. Now, I thought you were going to talk about technology, which many people think about. TS: Yes, I was going to get there so let's go right there, yes. MW:Again, I'm not I'm not speaking for myself, I'm quoting other a... posted on May 17 2018 (16,413 reads)

we think of ourselves as a trusted partner on the spiritual journey, offering diverse, in-depth, and life-changing wisdom. You're listening to Insights at the Edge. Today my guest is Priya Parker. Priya is a facilitator and strategic advisor. She's the founder of Thrive Labs, at which she helps activists, elected officials, corporate executives, educators, and philanthropists create transformative gatherings. She works with teams and leaders across technology, business, the arts, fashion, and politics to clarify their vision for the future and build meaningful, purpose-driven communities. Here's my conversation with someone who really unders... posted on Sep 19 2019 (7,357 reads)

if we recognize that we’re hamsters on a wheel, we can’t get off? The answer is that our lives, relationships, and politics are being shaped by an ecosystem of interruption technologies. Between smartphones, tablets, and personal computers, we have instant and constant access to each other and to the Internet. Superficially, this seems to be a great benefit, but in practice we can now be interrupted at any time, in any place, no matter what we are doing. Throughout history, technology interacts with its users in predictable ways: it changes behaviors, thinking processes, social norms, and even, as neuroplasticity studies show, our physical brain structure. It may be hard... posted on Jun 7 2013 (68,744 reads)

about the condition of our souls. And if the word soul doesn’t work for you, it’s identity and integrity in the language of secular humanism. It's the spark of the divine, in the language of Hasidic Judaism. It's big self or no self in the paradoxical language of Buddhism. Everybody has a name for it. Different name. And nobody knows its true name. Um, so I think there is, to use language that's familiar to all of you, although it makes me a little nervous, there is a technology of creating safe space. The reason technology makes me a little nervous is that, um, I think at bottom, um, our — this journey is not about techniques. I think it's about existent... posted on May 8 2015 (16,771 reads)

evolve my definition of success. It wasn’t just about me getting to do what I wanted to do; it was finding a way for all of us to align our hearts and our minds so that they are working together.  I soon found that it involved quieting the mind so that it can hear what the heart says. Or, another way to say it is “How to combine the ancient wisdom of our ancestors, who knew that success is happy, healthy children, a harmonious community, and a healthy environment, with modern technology so that we use our technology for the well-being of all.” My definition of success also includes accepting reality as it is, which is not always pretty; it’s often painful. F... posted on Aug 23 2016 (17,303 reads)

to post a picture of the college students on their Facebook page. No one really gets to catch up with the kids. In these situations, and many others we’ve all experienced, our smartphones and laptops and tablets and all the social media they carry disrupt the very social connections they promise to create. They make us available to work 24/7, which might seem like a bonus to our relationships because now we can have our work and our family time, too — in theory. But actually, technology can damage our relationships and our work. We don’t really experience our family time, and the work we do while spending time with friends and family isn’t our best. R... posted on Jan 8 2017 (20,090 reads)

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True communication is communion - the realization of oneness, which is love.
Eckhart Tolle

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