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of an ever-flowing spring? If you preserve your self-reliance at every hour, and your kindness, simplicity, and morality. LEO TOLSTOY In the middle of his fifty-fifth year, reflecting on his imperfect life and his own moral failings, Leo Tolstoy (September 9, 1828–November 20, 1910) set out to construct a manual for morality by compiling “a wise thought for every day of the year, from the greatest philosophers of all times and all people,” whose wisdom “gives one great inner force, calmness, and happiness” — thinkers and spiritual leaders who have shed light on what is most important in living a rewarding and meaningful life... posted on Mar 18 2023 (4,469 reads)

sort of ourselves and also all of ourselves dating all the way back to the very beginning of our own consciousness. We sort of jangle around inside carrying all of these people, and one of the things I’ve been thinking a lot about as I age is it’s not enough to just carry all of that knowledge, and all of that perception, and all of that complexity. It’s, I have to listen to those earlier parts of me, too. I mean, I have to really dial into my intuition and my sort of deep wisdom and my inner voice in a way.  Sometimes it’s painful because the thing about the inner voice, the thing about multitudes is sometimes you’re tuning into things you don&rsquo... posted on Aug 10 2023 (2,931 reads)

and innovative approaches to corporate management and strategic marketing. In 1990 she and Ausubel co-founded the non-profit Bioneers (“Revolution from the Heart of Nature”), producing an annual conference that attracts thousands to San Rafael, California in October. The event’s presentations, panels, keynote addresses and exhibits bring together internationally known  social activists, environmentalists, technological innovators, journalists and indigenous wisdom keepers with an engaged audience to seed and propagate collective change with solutions usually inspired by nature. Bioneers also produces an award-winning radio series, anthology book series, ... posted on Oct 2 2011 (11,958 reads)

wisdom of simplicity is a theme with deep roots. The great value and benefits of living simply are found in all the world's major wisdom traditions. Christian Views Jesus embodied a life of compassionate simplicity. He taught by word and example that we should not make the acquisition of material possessions our primary aim; instead, we should develop our capacity for loving participation in life. The Bible speaks frequently about the need to find a balance between the material and the spiritual side of life: "Give me neither poverty nor wealth." (Proverbs 30:8) "Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth ... Store up treasure in heaven ... For wherev... posted on Oct 7 2011 (24,146 reads)

know anything more about life now than I did at the beginning. I am no wiser. It slipped through my fingers." We were stunned into silence. I remember thinking that perhaps he was senile. In retrospect, it was a very remarkable thing he did. He took an opportunity to warn us about the cage of ideas and roles and self-expectations that was closing around us, even as he spoke to us - the cage that would keep us from achieving our good purpose, which is healing. Healing is a matter of wisdom, not of scientific knowledge. So, what is the task of the medical system? Our modern view of disease is that disease is centered in the body. The older view of disease is that it is soul lo... posted on Mar 23 2012 (51,179 reads)

on my head! My desk was a submerged mess. Muck was everywhere along the path of destruction. Fortunately, my computer and keyboard were spared and no one else had yet arrived in the office to bear witness to what I had to say in the wake of this mini-disaster. As I began to mop up the mess, I noticed that the area worst hit on my desk was a valued collection of some of my favorite notes and quotes that I had accumulated over the years. Of course, my attention was drawn to these wisdom sayings and I realized that I hadn’t looked at most of the sayings for some time. Was there something to be learned from this personal microcosmic incident? Was my incident in some small ... posted on May 6 2012 (9,396 reads)

the love of honey has to do with ancient wisdom, our capacity for hope, and the future of technology. Every once in a while, we all get burned out. Sometimes, charred. And while a healthy dose of cynicism and skepticism may help us get by, it’s in those times that we need nothing more than to embrace life’s promise of positivity with open arms. Here are seven wonderful books that help do just that with an arsenal ranging from the light visceral stimulation of optimistic design to the serious neuroscience findings about our proclivity for the positive. THE LITTLE PRINCE Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince, one of our must-read&nb... posted on Jun 5 2012 (40,163 reads)

January this year, I flew out to attend my first full session of the Orphan Wisdom school, founded by Stephen Jenkinson and his wife Nathalie. The term “orphan” is a odd one to combine with wisdom, a juxtaposition that Stephen is fond of replicating according to the 9 months I’ve known him. An orphan after all, is not someone who has no parents. An orphan is one who does not know their parents. On the surface, it’s hard to remember exactly what transpired during those seven days. I gathered in the Ger (a traditional Mongolian yurt) each day on Stephen’s ice-covered land, hugging the Bonnechere River, joined by other scholars. We discussed the ancient ... posted on Aug 7 2013 (33,722 reads)

for A Wild Love For the World with Joanna Macy November 1, 2012 Krista Tippet, host: I first discovered the philosopher of ecology Joanna Macy as a translator, of the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke. We'll take that exquisite poetry as a lens on Joanna Macy's wisdom on the great dramas of our time: ecological, political, personal. Rilke sought the shape of meaning in a now-vanished central Europe at the turn of the last century. Joanna Macy's vision took shape in crucibles of the 20th century. I spoke with her in 2010 in a moment not wholly unlike this — after a man-made national ecological disaster: the Gulf Oil Spill. Now in her 80s, Joanna Macy s... posted on Nov 3 2013 (34,792 reads)

hoping to find reasons for my baby’s stillbirth. Staggering through a minefield of hard questions and partial answers, I began to make my way toward healing. Dreams of my baby gradually faded, but for a time it seemed as if the grief itself would never lift. My mother had once given me a quotation from Aeschylus that spoke directly to these hours: “And even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.” At some point, I accepted the pain falling drop by drop and prayed for the wisdom to come. I had known pain before. Relationships had broken, illnesse... posted on Jun 7 2014 (21,474 reads)

Do we also see that there are hazards? The permanent adolescence of the human being means we may be subject to irrational, impulsive behavior. Maybe our laws and our institutions should help reflect that a bit more. If we don't play, what are the consequences? We're more reptilian. We're more savage. We're more — we lack some of those features that I've mentioned earlier in the program. Ms. Tippett: I think that in making a connection between play and maturity and wisdom, because you know that's something I hear, you're affirming — I think one of the most surprising experiences I've had of enjoying growing older, you know, sort of heading into... posted on Jul 18 2014 (31,901 reads)

often the opposite is equally true: It requires an enormous amount of energy to remain separate from the rest of our human family. Our separateness is a painful fiction. Each of us is necessary. When we isolate and withdraw from humanity through our technologies, our imagined differences, our fear of being hurt or rejected, we actually deny ourselves the very love, comfort and nurture so readily available from those who love and care for us. Even worse, we deny others our gifts, our wisdom, the fruits of our life that we have to offer, what we bring to the common table, for the common wealth of all. Our global family aches for our companionship. As we seek political, social, e... posted on Sep 4 2014 (19,698 reads)

drinks? Did they eat fish and chips? Did they have indoor or outdoor plumbing? What time of life had they started school? 1:54      And when her carbon copied questionnaire started to come back, one thing and one thing only jumped out with the statistical clarity of a kind that most scientists can only dream of. By a rate of two to one, the children who had died had had mothers who had been X-rayed when pregnant. Now that finding flew in the face of conventional wisdom. Conventional wisdom held that everything was safe up to a point, a threshold. It flew in the face of conventional wisdom, which was huge enthusiasm for the cool new technology of that age, whi... posted on Jun 10 2015 (27,725 reads)

couldn't help wondering as I'm reading you and reading about the life you've crafted, you really have chosen a simplicity that — I think you even use the word “luxurious.” And you talk about being with Leonard Cohen and he uses the word “luxurious,” so — you know, and in such a contrast to the you at 29, living the American dream. But also, I couldn't help wondering how much of what you've been able to choose and create also is about the wisdom that comes just with growing older, with age, that stillness becomes more natural and more enjoyable somehow, I think, inherently. I'm not sure everyone leans into that. In fact, I know the... posted on Jul 10 2015 (20,112 reads)

teenager’s feet. His would-be attacker’s fist was raised in the air poised to strike, but he froze. Completely froze. Others around him fell silent. Imagine if you’re about to pummel someone and he bows to you with great compassion. The monks continued bowing right past the dumbstruck gang. Humility is seen as a sign of weakness, in today’s culture, when, in reality, it is the gateway for an unparalleled and profound strength. We see examples of this across all wisdom traditions. In Sikhism, Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth of their ten gurus, offered this credo to all the warriors: “Humility is my mace; becoming the dust of everybody’s feet is my sword... posted on Jul 7 2015 (116,617 reads)

understanding: A friend is a loved one who awakens your life in order to free the wild possibilities within you. […] The one you love, your anam cara, your soul friend, is the truest mirror to reflect your soul. The honesty and clarity of true friendship also brings out the real contour of your spirit. Anam Cara is a soul-stretching read in its entirety, exploring such immutable human concerns as love, work, aging, and death through the timeless lens of ancient Celtic wisdom. Complement it with poet and philosopher David Whyte on the true meaning of friendship, love, and heartbreak, then treat yourself to O’Donohue’s magnificentOn Being conversation wit... posted on Oct 21 2015 (20,938 reads)

well as my light,’ the shadow’s power is put in service of the good.” In 1974, the Tibetan Buddhist teacher and Oxford alumnus Chögyam Trungpa founded Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado — a most unusual and emboldening not-for-profit educational institution named after the eleventh-century Indian Buddhist sage Naropa and intended as a 100-year experiment of combining the best methodologies of Western scholarship with the most timeless tenets of Eastern wisdom, fusing academic and experiential learning with contemplative practice. Under the auspices of its Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, founded by Allen Ginsberg, the university host... posted on Nov 3 2015 (59,761 reads)

Tippett is an award-winning broadcaster and New York Times bestselling author whose works focus on faith, ethics, and moral wisdom. She is the host of the radio program and podcast On Being. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon and Krista discuss how journalism can be an art that drives healing, as well as the difference between being driven by a mission and being driven by an agenda. They speak on the virtue of hope and how it contrasts with optimism. Finally, Krista and Tami talk about the impetus for societal change, how that change happens in the margins, and the responsibility we have to see it shepherded to its fruition.  Tami Simon: Yo... posted on Dec 31 2016 (13,123 reads)

that they are not there anymore, or I feel that they should be there for you… this is this clinging, this is attachment. You can tell a person is not emotionally or spiritually evolved when they cling to things like this and the expense of living in and appreciating the moment. When you are down it’s always only temporary. And yet suffering or being down are incredible opportunities. Cause you learn about yourself. You learn about other people. Its an incredible gift to garner wisdom from. And so even though I have experiences where I am down, where things have not worked out well, I also sit down as ask, 'What has happened here? What can I learn from this? Can it be do... posted on Feb 1 2017 (11,969 reads)

by introducing an ominous threat that seems way beyond what the main characters are capable of dealing with. If you ever feel the odds are stacked against you and doubt whether you're up to the challenge, then you join a time-honored tradition of protagonists in this genre. Heroes almost always start out seeming distinctly underpowered. What makes the story is the way the central characters are not put off. Instead, their tale sets them on a quest in search of the allies, tools, and wisdom needed to improve their chances. We can think of ourselves as on a similar journey; part of the adventure of the Great Turning involves seeking the company, sources of support, tools, and insig... posted on Mar 19 2017 (17,967 reads)

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Complete possession is proved only by giving. All you are unable to give possesses you.
Andre Gide

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