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... posted on Feb 02 2003, 562 reads


Time Magazine's cover story last week read: "Your Mind, Your Body: How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body." With more research, it's becoming evident that the mind and body belong to an indivisible continuum, that our moods and emotions are connected to our physical health.... posted on Feb 01 2003, 1,284 reads


Babies' Cries Find Technological Comfort
Why do babies cry? Pedro Monagas claims to have the answer in Castellar del Valles, Spain. What started as a way to understand his son's crying, is now "Why Cry" (selling in Spain for 95 Euros) -- a calculator-size device that has a microprocessor that can decipher the broad meaning of a baby's cry with 87 percent accuracy. The gadget listens to a crying baby, considers and calculates for 20 se... posted on Jan 31 2003, 1,361 reads


From Dream to Reality
In Phon Kham, Laos, there is no electricity. No telephone either. Two Silicon Valley visionaries -- Lee and Lee -- are bringing computers to this village. How is it powered without electricity? Bike-pedal! For the first time a human-powered computer has ever linked a Third World village to the Internet by wireless remote. And for Lee Thorn, this is particularly special since he is serving a ... posted on Jan 30 2003, 1,062 reads


It's hard to believe -- someone walking from Gandhi's grave in India to Kennedy's grave in U.S. But that's Satish! He was Jain monk at 9, left at 18, eventually did the unimaginable walk for peace, founded the Schumacher College, received numerous international accolades, and now, is the editor of Resurgence. Meet Satish Kumar:... posted on Jan 29 2003, 1,217 reads


How much is 25 hours worth, without electricity? In 1977, New York City's blackout cost upwards of 737 million dollars!... posted on Jan 28 2003, 1,017 reads


... posted on Jan 27 2003, 977 reads


... posted on Jan 26 2003, 925 reads


We listen at 125-250 words per minute, but think at 1000-3000 words per minute; number of business studies that indicate that listening is a top skill needed for success in business -- more than 35. (Source: International Listening Association)... posted on Jan 25 2003, 998 reads


According to Business Week, the average CEO made 42 times the average blue-collar worker's pay in 1980, 85 times in 1990 and a staggering 531 times in 2000. (Source: AFL-CIO "Executive Paywatch")... posted on Jan 24 2003, 901 reads


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Don't change, extraordinary one. You're going to light this place up.
Rachel Macy Stafford

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