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If the 4.6 billion-year evolution of our planet were conceived of as a single day, the 40,000 years of human existence would take up the last two seconds. (Source: Discovery- Sci-Trek)... posted on Dec 24 2002, 2,055 reads


... posted on Dec 23 2002, 615 reads


... posted on Dec 22 2002, 539 reads


On Christmas Eve 1983, she suddenly lost her father to bladder cancer. Travelling the world to find answers, she came to this realization of life's purpose: love in action. In 1997, she started a nonprofit organization called Airline Ambassadors. In 1999, she was World Woman of Peace. Meet Nancy Rivard.... posted on Dec 21 2002, 1,117 reads


Bill Beaty says he can eliminate traffic jams without investing a dime and all it takes is one person! Rather than driving up to a traffic jam and stopping, leave space ahead of your car so that by the time you reach the jammed traffic the cars are moving. ... posted on Dec 20 2002, 2,065 reads


The bathroom medicine cabinet is one of the worst places to keep medicines. The heat and moisture of the bathroom are just the conditions required to alter medication chemistry, making them weaker and possibly ineffective, and in some cases, toxic. A cool dry area away from sunlight and children is optimal. (Source: The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)... posted on Dec 19 2002, 860 reads


Whether it is 100,000 pogo jumps in 13 hours at Central Park, balancing a milk bottle on his head for 81 miles, jumping 130,000 ropes in 24 hours or balancing 75 glasses on his chin, Ashrita Furman has set 72 unexplainable world records! For him, though, it is a practice of "joy and fulfilment of self-transcendence" to challenge his limits and transform his weaknesses.... posted on Dec 18 2002, 3,976 reads


Malcolm Gladwell, in 'The Tipping Point', notes that ideas and behavior and messages and products sometimes behave just like outbreaks of infectious disease. Just as a single sick person can start an epidemic, so too can a few fare-beaters and graffiti artists fuel a subway crime wave. They are social epidemics. The moment they take off, when they reach their critical mass, is the tipping point,... posted on Dec 17 2002, 861 reads


... posted on Dec 16 2002, 738 reads


American trash haulers estimate that they dispose of 1.6 million tons of food every year between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. (Source: Youthnoise)... posted on Dec 15 2002, 1,983 reads


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The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.
Nelson Henderson

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