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Steve Dinan's Consciousness Timeline lists various key books and events that demarcate the growing Western interest in the nature of consciousness, from William James to Freud to Huxley to Yogananda to Allan Watts to Ken Wilber.... posted on Mar 29 2002, 564 reads


Fabio Selvig was hit by a huge truck while biking. He should have been dead on the spot. But he wasn't. He should have been crippled for life. But he wasn't. He should never have raced a bike again. But he did.... posted on Mar 28 2002, 1,072 reads


A Canadian couple is spending their honeymoon -- make that honeymoons -- traveling around the world, getting married. Kiran Pal and Geoff Pross have been through eight wedding ceremonies at last count, including Aboriginal nuptials in Australia, a Shinto ceremony in Japan, a Buddhist wedding in Thailand, and a Celtic wedding feast in Ireland. They've chronicled their 11-month journey on a Web s... posted on Mar 27 2002, 2,128 reads


You have heard of organization helping the youth and seniors but what about middle-aged men and women who are caught in an economic downturn? Operation ABLE was setup in Michigan to help folks over 40.... posted on Mar 26 2002, 678 reads


... posted on Mar 25 2002, 872 reads


... posted on Mar 24 2002, 1,011 reads


A free encyclopedia? In 2001, a collaborative project started to produce a complete encyclopedia from scratch. No one owns the projects and anyone can contribute to it. To date, close to 30,000 articles have been added.... posted on Mar 23 2002, 1,221 reads


One in five of the world's people -- 1.2 billion -- live on less 1 dollar/day. 56% of the developing world lacks basic sanitation, and more than 50 countries have lower real per capita incomes today than they did a decade ago. ... posted on Mar 22 2002, 464 reads


The human eye can see 7,000,000 colors. Yellow, pure bright lemon yellow is the most fatiguing color since more light is reflected by bright colors, resulting in excessive stimulation of the eyes.... posted on Mar 21 2002, 1,303 reads


According to poetry experts, nothing rhymes with either of the words "orange" or "purple." You are welcome to prove them wrong.... posted on Mar 20 2002, 1,134 reads


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I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention...

Mary Oliver

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