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... posted on Nov 29 2001, 521 reads


Healing Power of Doing Good
In his 1991 book, "The Healing Power of Doing Good", Allan Luks documented that serving others produced a 'helpers's high' that also functioned as an antidote to stress and other medical conditions.... posted on Nov 28 2001, 1,037 reads


America has over 14 million poor children, whose families can't provide for them. (Source: Fortune Magazine)... posted on Nov 27 2001, 584 reads


... posted on Nov 26 2001, 585 reads


... posted on Nov 25 2001, 791 reads


In 1981, Dr. William P. Magee, a plastic surgeon, and his wife, Kathleen, a nurse and clinical social worker, traveled to the Philippines and found hundreds of children ravaged by deformities. In 1982, they started Operation Smile to provide free reconstructive surgeries and have now operated on tens and thousands of kids.... posted on Nov 24 2001, 950 reads


The heart’s electromagnetic field—by far the most powerful rhythmic field produced by the human body—not only envelops every cell of the body but also extends out in all directions into the space around us. The cardiac field can be measured several feet away from the body by sensitive devices.... posted on Nov 23 2001, 836 reads


Aaron Bianco was in foster care at 11 and lived through the worst parts of the Richmond neighborhood. He graduated with 3.9 GPA and is attending Princeton.... posted on Nov 22 2001, 571 reads


Sylvia Boorstein titled her book, "Don't just do something, sit there."... posted on Nov 21 2001, 771 reads


Emergency feeding sites around the U.S. serve more than 7 million people in a given week.... posted on Nov 20 2001, 1,134 reads


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Emotions are not happening to you; they are habits of interpretation of experience.
Doug Powers

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