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A person goes blind every 5 seconds. A child goes blind every minute.... posted on Nov 19 2001, 832 reads


... posted on Nov 18 2001, 531 reads


100 ways to create peace in the world:... posted on Nov 17 2001, 541 reads


... posted on Nov 16 2001, 582 reads


A decade or so ago, many researchers believed emotions, the feelings usually associated more with the heart than the head, couldn't be measured or studied in laboratory experiments. No so true anymore. Most recently, Dalai Lama visited University of Wisconsin's facility for research on 'The Science of Emotions':... posted on Nov 15 2001, 511 reads


... posted on Nov 14 2001, 455 reads


Check out this picture of our Earth at night.... posted on Nov 13 2001, 450 reads


... posted on Nov 12 2001, 599 reads


In the Light of Reverence, a documentary about sacred Native American places, will be re-broadcast on KQED (San Francisco) on Saturday, November 10, at 5:30 pm. If you live outside the Bay Area, you might be able to find when this will air in your area:... posted on Nov 11 2001, 706 reads


... posted on Nov 10 2001, 476 reads


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The universal brotherhood of man is our most precious possession.
Mark Twain

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