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... posted on Oct 20 2001, 531 reads


Ninety percent of Iceland's buildings are heated with geothermal water while geothermal steam spins the turbines that provide 99.9 percent of the country's electricity. Iceland now is preparing to abandon internal combustion engines in favor of vehicles powered by fuel cells. In 1997, Iceland announced plans to become the world's first hydrogen economy. Iceland currently meets 38 percent of its en... posted on Oct 19 2001, 610 reads


... posted on Oct 18 2001, 614 reads


Your body appears to be composed of solid matter that can be broken down into molecules and atoms, but quantum physics tells us that every atom is more than 99.9999 percent empty space, and the subatomic particles moving at lightning speed through this space are actually bundles of vibrating energy.... posted on Oct 17 2001, 613 reads


... posted on Oct 16 2001, 610 reads


Cars, trucks, and buses spew more than 12 billion pounds of cancer-causing and ozone-depleting air pollution each year.... posted on Oct 15 2001, 595 reads


... posted on Oct 14 2001, 864 reads


The world's population is growing - at the waist. For the first time in history, there may be as many people overweight, 1.1 billion, as underfed.... posted on Oct 13 2001, 517 reads


... posted on Oct 12 2001, 739 reads


What I Would Say to Osama bin Laden: Zen monk Thich Nhat Hanh talks about how listening is the first step towards peace. Interview by Anne A. Simpkinson:... posted on Oct 11 2001, 2,381 reads


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