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... posted on Aug 12 2002, 953 reads


Human consciousness is actually wireless communication between the cells of your brain, according to a professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in Great Britain.... posted on Aug 06 2002, 1,067 reads


The True Miracle
25% of adolescents polled by Teenage Research Unlimited said being vegetarian was "cool." Source: Time Magazine, July 2002... posted on Aug 01 2002, 1,141 reads


... posted on Jul 22 2002, 1,204 reads


Leonardo Diaz had given up hope. The novice climber was lost in a snowstorm, and didn't have any more prepaid minutes on his cell phone to call for help... then the phone rang... a telemarketer!... posted on Jul 13 2002, 1,449 reads


No major famine has ever occurred in an open, democratic country (even when the country is very poor).... posted on Jun 05 2002, 1,236 reads


e-Buddies is a website that creates e-mail friendships between people with and without the developmental disability of mental retardation. With a few clicks, you can change the world for yourself and your e-Buddy.... posted on May 29 2002, 1,353 reads


A support group for people with autism has coined a new term for those who are not autistic- "neurologically typical." Source: Independent Living
... posted on Apr 25 2002, 1,852 reads


The human eye can see 7,000,000 colors. Yellow, pure bright lemon yellow is the most fatiguing color since more light is reflected by bright colors, resulting in excessive stimulation of the eyes.... posted on Mar 21 2002, 1,312 reads


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