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Wheelchairs For The Third World
Ralf Hotchkiss was paralysed in a motorcycle crash in 1966 when he was a freshman at Oberlin College, Ohio. Within minutes of leaving hospital he was sowing the seeds of his future career - developing and supplying wheelchairs for the Third World. And these countries, he says, have a lot to teach us about the needs of disabled people. ... posted on Mar 20 2004, 832 reads


Karma Army
Karma Army. That's what he called his accidental group. After posting an ad in the paper to "join me", Danny Wallace had 4000 passport photos of possible members but no purpose. Then his mission hit him -- acts of kindness. Every member has to sign The Good Fridays Agreement where you agree to carry out a random act of kindness for a complete stranger, each and every Friday!... posted on Mar 18 2004, 2,760 reads


Seven Social Sins
... posted on Mar 15 2004, 2,344 reads


Globalization 3.0
... posted on Mar 08 2004, 612 reads


Mother's Instincts
Luz Aida Cuevas took one look at the dimpled, dark-haired little girl at a birthday party and instantly knew two things: she was watching her own daughter - presumed killed as a baby in a 1997 fire - and she needed a way to prove it. So Luz pretended the six-year-old girl had gum in her hair, removed five strands from the child's head, folded them in a napkin and put them in a plastic bag. DNA t... posted on Mar 05 2004, 1,035 reads


Lovely Poem
The world's computers consume 2.5 trillion kilowatt-hours of energy in a year, or $250 billion in hard, cold cash a year. Furthermore, a pound of coal is needed to create, package, store, and move 2 megabytes of data.... posted on Mar 04 2004, 786 reads


Inventions of Service
A mill that converts grain into flour ten times faster than it takes to do the job by hand, a phase-change incubator that tests for bacteria in water supplies, a 'Smart Canister' that shakes all the ingredients in a bowl. These are among the list of inventions of Amy Smith -- an MIT professor who designs products to specifically help Third World countries!... posted on Mar 03 2004, 958 reads


Give and Receive
This year, Physicians for Human Rights will hand out their annual Navin Narayan HHR Student Achievement Award. Navin Narayan was a rare young man that dedicated his life to service even as he was struggling with cancer.... posted on Mar 02 2004, 1,033 reads


Moments Live in Us
... posted on Mar 01 2004, 1,668 reads


Springing Up Anew
... posted on Feb 29 2004, 640 reads


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In art the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can inspire.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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