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... posted on Mar 17 2003, 676 reads


... posted on Mar 10 2003, 559 reads


Dolores and Linda have an idea that's coming to life -- buy a cruise ship that can hold 700 people, house a World Peace Museum honoring heroes of peace, and deliver volunteer support and humanitarian aid to needy countries. Meet the Peace Ambassadors!... posted on Mar 08 2003, 978 reads


Dr. Perry Rosenthal was inducted into the community of Tech Laureates by the Tech Museum of Innovation in 2002. His invention of a super contact lens, developed in Massachusetts, is giving back eye sight to hundreds of patients who were blinded by injury or disease. ... posted on Mar 04 2003, 749 reads


... posted on Mar 03 2003, 479 reads


... posted on Mar 02 2003, 581 reads


The Hunger site provides an opportunity for everyone to help feed the impoverished all over the world just by the click of a button. You click on the country and one of the several sponsors buys food on your behalf. Each click is worth 1.1 cups of food. ... posted on Feb 28 2003, 1,037 reads


... posted on Feb 17 2003, 557 reads


... posted on Feb 16 2003, 834 reads


'Give Something Back' is a for-profit office supply company, with a twist. They have donated 92% of its after-tax profits to community-based organizations — more than 68 times the national corporate average. With more than 2 million dollars in donations, they are one of America's 10 most generous companies. And it all started with Sean Marx and Mike Hannigan making sales calls out of their liv... posted on Feb 15 2003, 813 reads


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