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An accident leaves her severly handicapped, an eye infection leaves him blind. Together, each year they work on a special set of greeting cards. Manohar does the drawing and Mahema prepares a short write-up explaining the particular significance of the place, building, statue or scene that he has drawn. The cards are sold and the proceeds donated to one of the many charities they are involved wit... posted on Sep 19 2002, 588 reads


A study conducted at the University of Michigan Research Center and published in the March 1998 Issue of American Health found that volunteering, more than any other activity, dramatically increases life expectancy.... posted on Sep 13 2002, 926 reads


Sometimes vandals come in the middle of the night, leaving a trail of destruction behind. This time, the 'guerrillas' came into a neighborhood known for drug dealing and crime, leaving a lovely furniture and art ensemble in their wake. ... posted on Sep 12 2002, 559 reads


An escaped parrot was reunited with his owners recently. How? He told rescuers his name.
... posted on Sep 04 2002, 747 reads


... posted on Sep 02 2002, 787 reads


... posted on Sep 01 2002, 566 reads


... posted on Aug 25 2002, 570 reads


The One Day’s Pay campaign promotes a simple idea: Gathering voluntary pledges
from people throughout the world who are willing to set aside all or a portion
of September 11 for community service in honor of those who lost their lives
as a result of the events that happened that day. ... posted on Aug 18 2002, 7,449 reads


... posted on Aug 04 2002, 532 reads


Two teenagers find 4000 dollars in cash. They were tempted to keep the money but then did the "right thing" and turned it in. They each received a reward for their honesty.... posted on Jul 27 2002, 1,024 reads


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