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78 Cents
With just 78 cents in his savings account and 44,000 owed to creditors, parking attendant Juan Rodriguez plunked down $1 on a lottery ticket. Good thing he wasn’t pinching pennies: He won the $88.5 million jackpot.... posted on Dec 11 2004, 1,160 reads


Order and Chaos
... posted on Dec 06 2004, 514 reads


... posted on Dec 05 2004, 585 reads


Serving Soul Food
Service his style leaves little space for anything else. He doesn't read the newspapers or watch television. He doesn't go out with friends or take vacations. But he can cut a pound of onions in four minutes flat and make 100 different varieties of pickle. Three years ago, at the age of 20, Krishnan noticed a poor man eating his own waste. That sight shook him so deeply that the next week, he qu... posted on Dec 04 2004, 1,434 reads


Journey is the Destination
In just 22 years, Dan Eldon led many lives. Best known for his vibrant and provocative journals, he was also a photojournalist, humanitarian, entrepreneur, adventurer, and student of the world. After high school, Dan hitchhiked through South Africa to photograph anti-apartheid rallies. During one of his trips to Malawi, he donated his car to "save the children". Radiating from Dan are the spok... posted on Dec 03 2004, 1,764 reads


We Have, They Need
... posted on Nov 29 2004, 1,539 reads


Immortality of the New
... posted on Nov 28 2004, 2,168 reads


Kids With Cameras
After her masters in theology at Cambridge, Zana Briski made her second trip to India. This time her destination was the "red light" district of Calcutta. The most stigmatized people in Calcutta's red light district, are not the prostitutes, but their children. In the face of abject poverty, abuse, and despair, these kids have little possibility of escaping their mother's fate or for creating an... posted on Nov 27 2004, 1,183 reads


Saved By Dolphins
At a beach near Whangarei in New Zealand, a group of swimmers were being trained as lifeguards when a menacing 10 foot shark attacked them! Just as they started to panic, a group of about half of dozen dolphins came in to protect them and stayed for about 40 minutes until the swimmers were out of danger. Marine biologists say such altruistic behaviour is not uncommon in dolphins, considered the ... posted on Nov 25 2004, 1,629 reads


Thus Spake Shakespeare
An average person in England used 3,000 to 4,000. The Hebrew testament used 5,642. The poet John Milton used 8000. But Shakespeare, rather incredibly used 15,000, by some conservative estimates! What are these counts for? The number of words used. It is also believed that Shakespeare has added the most amount of words to the English dictionary, a number that Oxford Dictionary says is 3000 wo... posted on Nov 23 2004, 1,107 reads


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A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.
Henry David Thoreau

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