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Looking With Your Whole Body
"She visited the Bay Area, where she lived on a horse ranch south of San Francisco. The exposure to the beauty of the place -- the coast, the hills, the redwoods -- made a deep impression. One day, as she stepped out of her house, she looked up and saw a red-tailed hawk soaring above her. 'As I stood looking up at the hawk, in a voice as clear as day, I heard these words: 'Tell my story'." Jane Ro... posted on Jan 19 2014, 24,185 reads


The Healing Power of Presence
"I was about 12 years old when I found out that my grandfather was born on 12/12/12. If he were alive, he would be exactly 100 years old today. I found out about his birthday, when he came to stay with us in Munich for an eye surgery. He was a diabetic and had been experiencing deterioration in his vision. At that time, it was very difficult to find an eye surgeon in Pakistan who would be able to ... posted on Jan 18 2014, 33,878 reads


A Mother, A Son & An iPad
Joshua Seftel is an award-winning filmmaker who has worked on many high-profile film, TV, and radio shows. This video is about a much smaller, much more personal project. Joshua originally bought his mom an iPad to stay in better touch with her after his father passed away last year. Once they began chatting regularly, he quickly realized their talks were something special. And he began filming th... posted on Jan 17 2014, 5,896 reads


Painter of the Desert
"Three things are important in this world: good health, peace with one's neighbor, friendship with all.' This proverb from Senegal welcomes us on James 'Chip' Thomas' door. We ring the bell. He opens with a smile. Brazilian tunes fill the living room. Outside, sunset dyes the desert with pale pink..." Read on to hear the thought-provoking tale of Chip Thomas, doctor and street artist, and the "Pai... posted on Jan 16 2014, 28,459 reads


Giftivism: Reclaiming Our Priceless Inheritance
"Giftivism: the practice of radically generous acts that transform the world. History has seen giftivists in all corners - Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and so forth. People who believed that when we change ourselves, we can fundamentally change the world. But this ability isn't restricted to social change giants. The seeds of giftivism lie in each of us. But to tap int... posted on Jan 15 2014, 89,001 reads


This Will Make You Smarter
Suppose you had the chance to ask the world's top scientists, psychologists and innovators what they believed were the most important concepts to add to your "cognitive toolkit." What might their answers be? To find out, you may want to read John Brockman's book "This Will Make You Smarter." a compilation of 151 answers from some of the brightest minds on earth to this very question. Read on for a... posted on Jan 14 2014, 34,883 reads


Hope Is What We Become In Action
"I believe it is possible that we can turn today's breakdown into a planetary breakthrough on one condition. We can do it if we can break free of a set of dominant but misleading ideas that are taking us down." Francis Moore Lappe began her journey as an environmental author and activist with the publication of her bestselling cookbook, "Diet for a Small World." In her latest book, "EcoMind," she ... posted on Jan 13 2014, 26,423 reads


How To Eliminate Junk Stimulus
Does your life feel busy or cluttered? Clearing out our mental and emotional closets starts with an honest appraisal of where and how we live, and letting go of what is simply taking up space. In an era when filling our homes and our calendars has become a cultural fixation, this can mean breaking old habits and the severing of ties with our beloved "stuff." While it may not be easy, the Greater G... posted on Jan 12 2014, 63,660 reads


Clear Skies & A Chance of Joy
Imagine a life filled with beautiful twists and turns that still leaves you unfulfilled. For Laura Lavigne, it felt like slow death until one day someone asked her, "If you could start any center, what would it be?" In that moment, the idea for the Anacortes Center for Happiness was born -- an organization founded with a mission to spread of joy, smiles, and a splendid sort of silliness. It was t... posted on Jan 11 2014, 28,337 reads


Gaze Even Here
How do we look upon the brokenness of ourselves and the world, and in fixing our gaze, relinquish our desire to fix or change? Is it possible to just be with what is broken, to look, and in looking, come to love? Click here to walk with Trebbe Johnson through the clearcut forests of Vancouver, and journeys towards an acceptance of the world as it is.... posted on Jan 10 2014, 8,407 reads


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The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility.
Albert Einstein

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