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12 Productivity Tips From Incredible Busy People
"'Personal productivity is a key differentiator between those who succeed in their chosen field and those who do not,' says bestselling author Brian Tracy. Leaders and entrepreneurs who are at the top of their game know how to achieve what they want in less time than others. We can learn a lot from the tactics of these successful, and incredibly busy, individuals on how to better organize our own ... posted on Aug 12 2013, 153,109 reads


Manic Nation: Why We're Addicted to Stress
How many of us have gotten that excited sensation when our smartphones beep with a text or notification of an email? And perhaps like an involuntary reaction we sometimes reach for our phone to check the new message, even if in the middle of a conversation with a friend. In this informative and thought-provoking account of Dr. Peter Whybrow's work, we learn about the fascinating findings of neur... posted on Aug 11 2013, 24,807 reads


Don't Make the Right Decision; Make the Decision Right
When you hear a song you like on the radio, do you check other stations to see if something better is playing? Do you have trouble settling for second best? If so, you may be what Wharton professor Adam Grant calls a "maximizer": someone who is always seeking the "best" in life. However, striving for the best doesn't guarantee happiness---in fact, sometimes it runs counter to it. Read on to hear P... posted on Aug 10 2013, 62,486 reads


The Illusion of Control
"Control is one of humankind's greatest illusions. Let's face it -- even with all the information available and expansive educational preparation -- unexpected events often interfere with our plans and our best efforts to control an outcome or an event (and even ourselves!). And what happens to us, to those around us, and to the teams and organizations we lead when things get disrupted?" Find out ... posted on Aug 09 2013, 34,471 reads


6 Ways to Find Work You Love
"The idea of fulfilling work -- a job that reflects our passions, talents, and values-- is a modern invention. Open Dr. Johnson's celebrated Dictionary, published in 1755, and the word "fulfillment" doesn't even appear. But today our expectations are higher, which helps explain why job satisfaction has declined to a record low of 47 percent in the U.S., and is even lower in Europe. If you count y... posted on Aug 08 2013, 51,673 reads


Stephen Jenkinson on The Meaning of Death
At the Orphan Wisdom School, the cold northern winds gently blow through towering pine trees and the trickle of icy water can be heard streaming through the hinterland. It is in this peaceful, wintery space that Stephen Jenkinson helps others learn the skills of deep living and making human culture. What is the meaning of death? What is depression? How can repay the debt of being human? These are ... posted on Aug 07 2013, 33,424 reads


Wonder: The Most Human of Emotions
What purpose does the feeling of wonder serve? It seems to have three essential components: sensory, cognitive, and physical, as in that breathless moment when we gasp and say 'Wow!' Finally, it has a dimension that can be described as spiritual. In other words, wonder seems to unite science and religion. This thoughtful essay shares more.... posted on Aug 06 2013, 8,918 reads


35 Scientific Concepts That Will Help You Understand Life
"In order to sharpen our reasoning skills, we must have a good grasp of our own cognitive biases, as well as the basic laws of the universe. But in a dynamic world, new laws are constantly emerging." How do we keep pace with humanity's changing understanding of ourselves and the universe? Thankfully, has interviewed hundreds of the world's most influential thinkers, including neuroscienti... posted on Aug 05 2013, 590,343 reads


Encounters on the Exit Ramp
At one of the busiest intersections in Los Angeles, California stood a person, destitute and holding a sign which read simply, "Can you spare a moment? Blessings appreciated." Most cars passed by without notice, as seems to have become the analogy in how many of us live our lives. To those passing by, this was just another homeless person looking for a handout. They had no way of knowing that this... posted on Aug 04 2013, 43,713 reads


A 40-Year-Old Photo That's Gone Viral
At what point do we begin to judge one another? To create these subtle distinctions which are based at times on nothing more than gender or race? These cracks in humanity where we allow a space for mistrust, suspicion and doubt to grow. In late July 1973, photographer Joseph Crachiola would snap an image that would become the cornerstone of many post-Zimmerman verdict discussions. Read more about ... posted on Aug 03 2013, 18,098 reads


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In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
Mahatma Gandhi

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