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The Flip Side of Your Signature Strength
"As an executive coach interested in exploring what drives people to successes and failures, I have worked with hundreds of ambitious people including business executives, sports legends and Nobel laureates. One key discovery I made repeatedly over the last fifteen years is that there is a common driver to the successes and failures of the people I studied. I call this driver, the 'Signature Stren... posted on Sep 25 2011, 12,071 reads


Wind Powered Art
Beautiful art can inspire a person to see life in a totally new way. Theo Jansen is the Dutch creator of what he calls "Kinetic Sculptures," where nature and technology meet. Essentially these sculptures are robots powered only by the wind. Amazingly, these machines are made completely of recycled items. The 'stomach' of the sculpture is made with retired plastic bottles that capture the air pumpe... posted on Sep 24 2011, 6,702 reads


6 Tips for Raising Non-Competitive Kids
Competition, according to author and lecturer Alfie Kohn, is defined as any situation where one person can succeed only when others fail. Kohn is convinced that we've all bought into dangerous myths about the value of competition in our personal lives, workplaces, society, and economic system. He laid out his arguments in his 1986 book No Contest: The Case Against Competition, and he's been spread... posted on Sep 23 2011, 18,306 reads


Unexpected Gestures of Compassion
"Through some incredible good luck no one was seriously hurt but the experience was very frightening. There was so much smoke that my first thought was to just get out of my car as fast as I could. I could hear the children from the car behind me screaming and crying as I was trying to claw my way out of my car. When I got out, I could see their mum was frantically trying to comfort her shaking c... posted on Sep 22 2011, 4,238 reads


Food Abundance from Food Waste
Every week they provide food for as many as 1,500 households in Marin County (CA). They don't charge for the food. Nor do they get paid themselves. Who are these people and why do they do this? They are two community elders, Ruth Schwartz and her husband Curt Kinkead, supported by a team of about 100 volunteers. They do it because Curt "gets fed by the joy he sees in the people who come to collect... posted on Sep 21 2011, 9,911 reads


Why Does Beauty Exist?
"Why does beauty exist? What's the point of marveling at a Rembrandt self portrait or a Bach fugue? To paraphrase Auden, beauty makes nothing happen. Unlike our more primal indulgences, the pleasure of perceiving beauty doesn't ensure that we consume calories or procreate. Rather, the only thing beauty guarantees is that we'll stare for too long at some lovely looking thing. Museums are not exactl... posted on Sep 20 2011, 4,021 reads


How to Transform Negative Emotions
"The word emotion comes from the Latin emovere, meaning to 'move through or out.' So in its original form, there isn't any trace of clinging to, or rejecting, these movements. But instead of allowing emotions to move through and out of us, we often feed them with negative thoughts and end up giving them long-term residence. In short order, the guests take over the house, leaving us reeling and una... posted on Sep 19 2011, 68,053 reads


Friendship Balloons
When 9 year old Sara-Beth Martin let out red balloons in her send-off party a week before her second heart surgery, little did she know that one of them will travel 180 miles to reach 8 year old Reanna -- struggling with troubles of her own. The balloons carried a simple request of praying for Sara for her successful surgery. Reanna knew adversity and pain herself -- she lost her mother to cervica... posted on Sep 18 2011, 3,261 reads


The Dumpster
"'We can't use these. They look like heirlooms!' Gina, a guest at my holiday gathering, holds up one of the elaborately embroidered napkins from the buffet table. 'Where'd you get them?' 'Out of a dumpster. The tablecloth and those candleholders were in there, too.' 'You can't be serious! Why would they be in a dumpster?' The shock in her voice carried across the room, and others looked up. It's c... posted on Sep 17 2011, 5,847 reads


The Man Who Builds Bridges & Saves Lives
More than 13 years after his parents drowned in a flash flood, David Kakuko is at the Moruny River, building a bridge that might have prevented their deaths. The hanging footbridge will provide safe passage over the Moruny, a frequently flooded waterway in West Pokot, Kenya. "Before the bridge, there [were] so many people, so many who lost their lives," said Kakuko, 32. "I know, because I have no ... posted on Sep 16 2011, 3,137 reads


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The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose that I am here and you are out there.
Yasutani Roshi

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