Mind & Body
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One thing worse than having mice living in your house is the cruelty that is often involved in getting rid of them. New devices like this mousetrap make catching mice not only guilt-free, but fun! ... posted on Sep 15 2002, 1,044 reads


... posted on Jul 28 2002, 1,007 reads


40 million people worldwide are HIV positive, according to a new U.N. report.... posted on Jul 25 2002, 973 reads


Journalists are often exposed to many compelling situations. Leslie Griffith, news-anchor on San Francisco's top-rated newscast, ran into 9-year old Mitchell on an assignment in Oakland and then ended up adopting him.... posted on Jul 19 2002, 2,056 reads


He has walked 1,000 miles...across the desert...barefoot...twice. He has swum a crocodile-infested river while being shot at. He has lived four years in one refugee camp, nine in another. And he hasn't given up on finding his parents, though most likely, he is an orphan. He is Santino Lual, 22, one of 10,000 or so "Lost Boys of Sudan," now living in Seattle. ... posted on Jul 03 2002, 1,278 reads


Sometimes a cow can speak volumes. Masai tribe in a remote village of Kenya sent fourteen cows -- the most precious gift they can give -- to help Americans recover from the terrorist attacks, nine months ago. Why so late? They just heard about it.... posted on Jun 07 2002, 1,519 reads


As an effective tool for increasing the compassion in its volunteers, Food Bank gives real-life lessons in the experience of being homeless.... posted on May 03 2002, 1,305 reads


If every commuter carried just one more passenger daily, we'd save 600,000 gallons of gasoline and keep 12 million pounds of pollution out of the atmosphere every year. Source: Sprint ... posted on May 01 2002, 2,148 reads


Points of Light Foundation was started 10 years ago by George Bush, Sr. Read about an everyday hero:... posted on Apr 11 2002, 1,177 reads


The United Kingdom is much like the United States, with the poor giving twice the proportion of their income to charity compared to the wealthy.... posted on Mar 16 2002, 1,780 reads


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