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... posted on Sep 22 2002, 1,149 reads


Gregory Smith is not your average 12 year old. A college sophomore with mighty aspirations, he travels the world over, speaking to heads of state and nobel laureates, advocating world peace and children's rights. At 12, he has already dedicated his life to serving children, and is noted to pass each day singing as he goes.
... posted on Aug 23 2002, 1,114 reads


... posted on Aug 19 2002, 960 reads


Shaheen Mistry took a routine family vacation to India, about 13 years ago. She ended up visiting the slums of Mumbai and never left. With the help of volunteers, she started a school for the slum children; what started with 10 kids now is a full school with over 1000 children.... posted on Aug 10 2002, 1,277 reads


On Jan. 30, 1962, at Kashasha village near Lake Victoria in what is now Tanzania, three schoolgirls got the giggles. Tears rolling down their cheeks, they couldn't stop laughing or keep their contagion of chuckles from spreading to almost half the other girls at their boarding school. Some fits were lasting minutes, others hours, some up to 16 days, until exasperated administrators closed the scho... posted on Aug 08 2002, 1,250 reads


At the annual International Piano Competition, a transcendent performance of a piece about moonlight came from a woman who has never seen the piano. 40 year old, Debra Saylor was blind but she didn't even mention that on her application.... posted on Jul 31 2002, 1,073 reads


... posted on Jun 23 2002, 945 reads


A healthy 3-month-old girl who came into the world weighing just 9.97 ounces spent her first full day at home. Determined to live, her doctors believe she is the tiniest human being on record to survive, and think she'll be just fine.
... posted on Jun 14 2002, 962 reads


... posted on Jun 10 2002, 968 reads


... posted on May 13 2002, 860 reads


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