A film by Aaron Olson and Diana Bull.

How many of us have seen children tie towels around their shoulders and race around as superheroes? In just four months, Robyn Rosenberger has given 500 children that feeling of invincibility by making custom capes for each special child. She posts stories of these Tiny Superheroes to give each child a voice and a face for their condition. These capes are more than just a piece of fabric. They tell the children and families fighting illness and disability that we know how extraordinary they are.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Isaiah

    You are my Hero!

  • Janet

    Any person can make a difference for anyone - large or small. Your Tiny Superheroes program is amazing!

  • Suzanne

    In my work as physio, I sometimes worked with kids. They could be so brave... definitely, tiny superheroes. Thank you for reminding us of those kids and making them feel special...

  • Juli

    I was so very inspired by you video. Your children and especially special needs children need to know and they are indeed Super Heroes. Thanks for posting. This is a very worth While service. I am definitely going to find how I might get involved in some way. Thanks for posting!

  • Anne

    I write this with tears in my eyes... I am so humbled. I pray that the doors will continue to open and that God's favor and blessings will over take you. You are an inspiration. My mentor and best friend lived his short life with this motto "what can I do today to make someone Happy". You are not only making them happy you are making superhero's. God Bless

  • Assi

    Such a extremely amazing thing ,i really love it

  • Jacqui Bowman

    It's a soft comforting blanket with the message that every person is a hero. It's a sign to others that being super isn't just for comic characters either. All kids need to dream and hope and feel empowered. I made capes for my kids without thinking of this message. Well done and congratulations on this amazing program! xxx

  • Carolyn Bivens

    You are awesome superheroes, yourself. God bless you.

  • Diana

    Yup. Definitely just started crying.... This is an amazing thing to do!

  • Elena

    One tiny gesture, becomes a force in the life and world of many. Bravo Bravo Bravo to everyone at Tiny Superheroes ! ! ! ! !

  • Shirley Marsh

    In a world constantly bombarded with negative media messages, we really need stories like this to touch and inspire us to be more than we are. Robin, bless you and your loving, generous heart. You are definitely an awesome inspiration. Perhaps we could start up 'branches' in every Australian state?

  • Brian

    To Robin . . . from someone who has wished to be a superhero ever since I was a little boy, and with all my heart, I truly admire the feeling of being extraordinary and invincible you (and those helping you) are instilling in the hearts of these wonderful children. You are definitely a true superhero in my book. God bless you and all the wonderful work you are doing as well as these tiny superheroes receiving your love and care.

  • Semora McCampbell

    Beautiful!!...Giving hope to others, especially children; empowering them through your gift of giving, bringing people together with love and hope...."the tiny superheroes cape is a brilliant concept." :)

  • Janaki Lessard

    I have had many ideas in my life but lacked the belief in myself to follow through. I love & admire people who do! Kudos to this loving soul & all who support/help her. Blessings on all the little super-heroes who have come into this life with more than the usual challenges!

  • Babs

    What a way to bless others! You will have many blessing in return; you already have by touching the lives of so many deserving children. May God continue to richly bless you in your endeavors.

  • Tanja

    I love that Robyn is so 100% enthusiastic, certain and generous about what she's doing. The magic is that her attitude makes it so, and the magic is felt also by the parents and tiny superhero recipients. A lesson in making magic, then, for me.

  • Mollie

    Everything about this video inspires me. It strengthens my resolve to do for those who might not be able to do for themselves.

  • Kim

    I am a seamstress. I'd love to sew capes in Fargo ND. Beautiful & inspiring. In a world where we frequently hear of terrible things happening, Robyn is a source of great joy. KUDOS, dear one.

  • Anne Marie

    Awesome!!!! What a great gift to these children!!!,

  • Page 1

  • Meet the Tiny Superheroes who inspire Rosenberger and their families. Nominate a Tiny Superhero. Support more capes.
  • Watch this video of Madison (Peach) Steiner's labor of love creating personalized shoes for children with critical health issues.
  • Send a hand-written note of gratitude to someone who has inspired you today.

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