This film chronicles a coming together of U.S. and China leaders in the consciousness and wellbeing sector, led by Mina Lee. At the heart of Mina’s life and work is the permission to be stretched by love. She is guided by the question of how to bridge cultural and intergenerational divides — the ways in which we dehumanize each other through misunderstanding, whether between investors and investees, business and non-business sectors, people living in the East and those in the West, and more specifically, China and the United States. Through honoring their shared life experiences they provide witness to the statement, "The only thing separating me from you is my idea of you."


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  • Dr Steve Setera

    When i moved to Malaysia my work allowed me, basically required me, yo work closely with Chinese people. During my time there i traveled to China about 30 times and never had any difficulty where ever i dealt with any Chinese person - to the point of marrying my wife then bringing her and our daughter back to the US. One of my main roles was being the cultural diversity bridge for the US companies i worked for. My closest friends to this day are my Chinese friends in Malaysia. My involvement with Asians in general and Chinese in particular is always very natural and meaningful.

  • David

    Spoon beautiful. Tears I'm my eyes

  • Mari

    Thank you!This confirms in MY mind that personal relationships are the answer to building bridges across the perceived, and real, gaps in cultures. Understanding and experiencing another person, without ego involvement, will bring us all together. When my idea of you changes, I change.🙏 Thank you!


    WOW!! This is amazing!! I am sharing. Whenever we can bridge separation - on any level, any subject, idea, field, culture or countries, we are serving the greater good. I am delighted to see this. It was great to hear Tami Simon's voice at the beginning - I mean really - the iconic sound of her voice says immediately - his will be good. Thank you KARMATUBE for illuminating this work!!

  • Cathryn

    Thank you! This video affirms the oneness of humanity in a time when I truly need to re-envision relationship. The phrase,"The only thing separating me from you is my idea of you" articulates what the great teachers like Thich Naht Hahn have taught us. Perhaps now is a time when we will open to each other in our homes, in our friendships, and in our world. To begin an encounter holding the other in our common humanity and then continuing it through whatever arises is the challenge. As Clarissa PInkola Estes has said, "We are made for times like these". May it be so.

  • Page 1

  • Learn how the China Projects Institute is a model for East West dialog and further bridge building.
  • Read about one man's epic journey through China and the photos of this journey that provide another bridge to our shared humanity.
  • What permission might you grant yourself to begin expanding beyond that which limits you? For more inspiration, join the December 18, 2021 Awakin Call with Mina Lee.

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