Through hopeful lyrics and joyous dance, Nimo Patel and Ellie Walton's "We the People" video is a call to unity, togetherness and equality. It reminds us that if we learn to love, if we learn to listen, the good will indeed come someday. Sing along and let your spirit be lifted.


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  • Robin

    Joyful! Peaceful! The next generation generating love and understanding! Love it!

  • Barbara

    So joyous and so true. Division is a big tool to controlling people, loving unity cannot be beaten. A great energy to get that message across. x

  • Diane

    As Rodney King said, why don't we all just get along. So beautiful to watch this video and see people from all backgrounds dancing, laughing and just being human.

  • Shadakshary


  • Pankaj

    Well done, Nimo and the team! The good gone come . . . Love the positivity emanating from every moment of the beautiful song!

  • Kay

    Yes! “The good gone come”!

  • Shannon

    Thank you for a message that everyone benefits hearing. And add the love on the baseball cap and that's all we need. Thank you - Thank you.

  • Diana Turner-Forte

    I love it!!!!! Thank you. Artists will change the world.

  • Joseph Jastrab

    Yes, let's sing and dance our way into this communal reality! Their artistry, so enlivening for this heart. Thank you

  • H. Carol Schmidt

    The concept /reality We All Bleed RED Blood! In my generation we said Make LOVE not War! Thank you for the video and the music from an oldie goldie(82.6 yrs. :))

  • Page 1

  • Explore how Empty Hands Music spreads seeds of goodness through music. 
  • Learn from another of Nimo Patel's uplifting videos how you can plant seeds of unity. 
  • Look for something that unites you with each person you encounter this week. 

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