Jocelyn Bell was a graduate student at Cambridge in 1967 when she pushed through the skepticism from her superiors to make one of the greatest astrophysical discoveries of the twentieth century. While Jocelyn was belittled and sexually harassed by the media, the Nobel Prize was awarded to her professor and his boss. However, that's only the beginning of the story.


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  • Heather

    I agree with Eva's remarks. Thank you Jocelyn Bell-what a wonderful role model and example to young women who want to work in sciences as their careers.

  • Eva

    WOW! I don't understand about 99.9% (or more) of her work! Doesn't matter because her story not only inspires me but brings tears to my eyes!! I'm 65 years old and I just found a new role model! WONDERFUL!!

  • Donna M.

    The very first thing about Jocelyn that got my attention is that she was Irish and Quaker. I lived in a part of the East Coast with many people like her, determined, intelligent, and unquenchable. This is a great title for this video.....could also be called 'the silent determination of a gifted woman....and the world could not silence her voice or stifle her gift!!!

  • Patricia

    she is so generous!

  • Sidonie

    Jocelyn's great heart, mind and spirit! She stands out as an utterly remarkable human being full of courage and determination, passion and perseverance... A simply admirable role model, kudos!

  • Michael


  • Vivien Henderson

    It reflected the world i grew up in.

  • Joseph Jastrab

    This was one of those videos I impatiently clicked thinking I'd watch just the first minute or so . . . by the end I was brought to tears with this woman's courage and contribution to both science and humanity. Alongside her, stood an equal courageous and unusually heart-centered man for his time, Fred Hoyle. What is revealed to me in this story is the recognition of the pulse of love that lives in all of us, waiting permission to be revealed. Thanks to all who brought this fine video forth.

  • patricia edwards

    isn't it great that mrs bell had a girl!!!

  • Lulu

    “To be a good role model for younger women”. What an astonishing life story. My heart feels saddened that women are not given credit where credit it certainly due. Just wow! A lesson too in sharing the prize! She is a role model for us!

  • Tom

    What class on Joceylyn's part! And perseverance. I remember there being one girl in my pre-calculus class in high school in 1967. The teacher and the boys did not demean her but she got a lot of crap from other students. We've come a long ways since then and have a long ways to go. Thanks to Fred Hoyle for standing up for Jocelyn and thanks to the scientific community for recognizing her accomplishments, at least belatedly.

  • Helen

    How admirable, Jocelyn Bell's scientific acumen and discovery, her innate curiosity and her dedication. She embodies her Quaker foundation with simple and direct speech, egalitarianism, peace and honesty. Inspiring, indeed.

  • judy

    what a powerful generous astronomer who persisted and was brilliant in her resistance to the sheer greed and intolerance of your equal because of her sex..when will men grow up?shame on tonyhewit her professor and his boss for using her work as their own and i repeat what a generous spirit, competent and worthy of recognition.. thanks for this video..wish it could be shared with all girls, women and little boys!

  • Alice

    Everything …what a very fine woman .

  • Ron

    Such a great person and well-done story. @David Durovy-great quote. Thanks for sharing it!

  • sandra

    I am so very touched by the beauty, grace, kindness and generosity of Jocelyn Bell. By the end of the film I was sobbing at her goodness.

  • Roseanna

    So much gratitude for Joycelyn Bell. Thank you

  • David Durovy

    I just posted this quote on LinkedIn just before watching this touching story. Thank you for it. My eyes were misty. "We get everything we have or know from someone, whether we recognize it or not. We are our connections. One day you will tell your story of how you’ve overcome what you’re going through now, and it will become part of someone else’s survival guide." - Source Unknown

  • Stephanie

    WOW! What an incredible story. I am in love with Jocelyn Bell. Thank you for being a role model to both young and old. Thank you for your courage and fortitude.

  • Gecole

    Grace in the face of hubris....

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about Jocelyn Bell and other women pushing past the obstacles of gender bias.
  • Watch more inspiring short films featuring inspiring human stories from Breakwater Studios.
  • Consider the hard times you made it through. How might you be a beacon of light, a pulse of positivity in the cosmos for others?

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