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People's great creativity and diversity, our desire for contribution and relationships, blossom when the heart of our community is clear and beckoning, and when we refrain from cluttering our paths with proscriptions and demands. The future of community is best taught to us by life. --Margaret Wheatley (in The Promise & Paradox of Community)

When gifts circulate within a group, their commerce leaves a series of interconnected relationships in its wake, and a kind of decentralized cohesiveness emerges.
--Lewis Hyde
(in Gift Ecology: A Conversation with Nipun Mehta)

A person is a person through other persons; you can't be human in isolation; you are human only in relationships. --Desmond Tutu (in Social Distance: A Community-Style Poem)

We can think of place-making as something that happens through movement: significance, memories and relationships are created by patterns of walking, approaching, branching away, visiting, gathering. --Michael Givens (in Of People, Plants and Place)

When we listen, we open ourselves to new, joyous relationships with species other than our own. --Kathleen Dean Moore (in Listen: Four Love Songs)

If privilege is a disconnection drug, the antidote is connection. It's being in authentic relationships where you show up with your vulnerability. --Chuck Collins (in How Much Is Enough?)

To listen to trees, nature's great connectors, is to learn how to inhabit the relationships that give life its source, substance, and beauty --David George Haskell (in The Log- Year 2)

Real self-care involves making difficult decisions that will pay off in the long run as we build a life around the relationships and activities that matter most to us. When done well, real-self care is empowering. --Pooja Lakshmin (in Pooja Lakshmin: Self Care the Right Way)

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Quote Bulletin

The emphasis is more on the process of Becoming than on the content of Being.
John Weir

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