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"How many shades of green?" That's a question you get to ask when you're moving really slowly, as cancer forced me to do for the first time in my life.[a photo of design detail] Spiral learning of the B Corp movement, and of all of social change. That is a banister at this little gem of a park that I  found because I could only walk at a  snail's pace. So I was discovering things I hadn't discovered before because I  had always been moving too fast.[photos of other details in nature] Beauty in the small things.Then, 2020: the murder of George Floyd, racial reckoning, COVID, etc.. SMore trauma to the system and at every level of the fractal and more slowing down and time fo... posted on Apr 16 2024 (1,743 reads)

I was bedridden. Many, many, many things that I won't go into. And each of you will have your own suffering. People who have passed, hearts broken rejections, the ways that life brings us to our knees. And there's something magical that happens in the alchemy of suffering. When we open our hearts and say yes from a really earnest place, God enters through the wound. That is in our control. The places where we push against and say no to suffering, that's when we hurt. But our comfort is not nature's priority. Emergence is. Our deepening is. And we always have the opportunity to say, let this open me. Let this deepen me. Let this burn me into being, not in an insincere way. This is betwee... posted on Apr 26 2024 (3,341 reads)

an ongoing learning process for both identifying the problem and coming up with a solution. Addressing the climate crisis, sexism or racism, or transforming education systems are adaptive challenges. Adaptive challenges, intricately intertwined with the human psyche and societal dynamics, prove resistant to technical solutions. They demand a shift in our awareness. A common leadership mistake, as Heifetz points out, is to apply a technical fix to a challenge that is fundamentally adaptive in nature. For example, we generate reports, make committees, or hire consultants to work a broken organizational culture, many times avoiding addressing the underlying issues of trust that are at the he... posted on May 15 2024 (2,825 reads)

carried out, while also finding a part of myself wholly enthralled. Like holding the aesthetic appreciation of detrimental plants alongside knowledge of their impact. I wanted to investigate what it might mean to hold both those stories at once, to ask if I could come to a place of… not acceptance of how it was done, but perhaps coming to grips with my own inner, earlier longing for adventure, for what that looked like in the past. Really, it’s about that co-shaping of culture and nature. You actually offer a provocative line, arguing that every thought we’ve ever had was made possible by plants. Can you unpack the ways plants shape us?  ZS: Oh yes. I meant that ver... posted on May 22 2024 (1,481 reads)

day grateful to be alive. Or we see misfortune fall upon another and are thankful that it’s not us. The lack of control that comes with random acts can be frightening, knowing that the “bell may toll for us” next. But it can also expand our gratitude for what we have and the good fortune that comes with just being alive and healthy. The recognition of randomness ensures that we do not take the good things in life for granted, and it allows us to understand the precarious nature of good fortune. Even for those currently less fortunate, it can be cause for appreciating the small things in life and hoping that the winds of chance may yet blow your way. Randomness is the... posted on May 30 2024 (1,969 reads)

wet from a new moon ceremony with horses and other animals on a farm not far from town. It was led by some beautiful humans. We started with a circle ceremony and sharing, followed by some meditations and grounding and then we went out with the horses. Just as we were out in the field, this crazy storm came in. To be out in the field with the animals and to see how they all work together and what they did when the storm rolled in was just so amazing. To see animals so in tune with mother nature. All the horses got together and they all faced the same way. They just stopped what they were doing and waited for the storm to pass. It was really beautiful to see. Us humans have definitely ... posted on Jun 4 2024 (2,925 reads)

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The moon lives in the lining of your skin.

Pablo Neruda

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