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Tippett, host:It has ever and always been true, as David Whyte reminds us, that so much of human experience is a conversation between loss and celebration. This “conversational nature of reality” — indeed, this drama of vitality  — is something we have all been shown, willing or unwilling, in these years. Many have turned to David Whyte for his gorgeous, life-giving poetry and his wisdom at the interplay of theology, psychology, and leadership, his insistence on the power of a “beautiful question” and of everyday words amidst the drama of work, as well as the drama of life. The notion of “frontier” — inner frontiers, oute... posted on Jun 18 2023 (4,174 reads)

all ridiculous things the most ridiculous seems to me, to be busy — to be a man who is brisk about his food and his work,” Kierkegaard admonished in 1843 as he contemplated our greatest source of unhappiness. It’s a sobering sentiment against the backdrop of modern life, where the cult of busyness and productivity plays out as the chief drama of our existence — a drama we persistently lament as singular to our time. We reflexively blame on the Internet our corrosive compulsion for doing at the cost of being, forgetting that every technology is a symptom and not, or at least not at first, a cause of our desires and pathologies. Our intentions are th... posted on Jul 2 2023 (5,899 reads)

and annihilating. So I could grasp something during that time of confusion, sadness, and desolation; memories came flooding over me. These memories felt like hormones that had some function for the autonomic systems of my soul. Memories arose like chemicals, memories like medicine, a pharmacy of memories stored deep within me, waiting for an emergency alarm. The memories that came up were ones of childhood, of love, of holding hands, or eating together, of learning, trust, promises, wisdom, things left beautifully unspoken. I quickly realized that these memories were not random reminiscing or seductive sentimentality. They were part of an ancient, evolved healing mechanism. ... posted on Jul 18 2023 (4,825 reads)

Cloud Never Dies weaves together original film and photographic archives, telling the story of a humble young Vietnamese monk and poet whose wisdom and compassion were forged in the suffering of war. In the face of violence, fear, and discrimination, Thich Nhat Hanh’s courageous path of engaged action reveals how insight, community, and a deep aspiration to serve the world can offer hope, peace, and a way forward for millions. The film’s release on April 2, 2022 coincides with the release by his students of an Open Letter calling for peace and an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine: Content Warning: This film includes a few b... posted on Jul 29 2023 (4,592 reads)

Such acceptance, Kurtz wrote, “was one of Dowling’s great gifts to Bill Wilson and through him to Alcoholics Anonymous.” The divinization of thirst is a classic Christian message. Father Ed would have known it from Augustine’s words to God at the start of his Confessions: You have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” When Bill asked Father Ed’s opinion on another issue, the priest again drew upon ancient wisdom: Bill spoke of his own difficulties in prayer and his continuing problem in conveying the meaning of his “spiritual experience” to alcoholics. There was a move afoot within the f... posted on Aug 2 2023 (6,370 reads)

misty waterfalls, and formidable geysers for the promise of water’s endowed healing properties. In almost every religion, water has the ability to absorb prayers and bestow blessings. “Water holds memories since time began and has a living spirit just like we do,” says Chenoa Egawa, a member of the Lummi tribe and a ceremonial leader, storyteller, artist, and environmental activist who is dedicated to bringing healing to our Mother Earth.  Our bodies’ innate wisdom understands how essential water is, as it makes up more than half of our body weight. “Water has the ability to cleanse itself, and because we are largely made of water, we are a part of ... posted on Aug 14 2023 (2,429 reads)

This was true democracy in action. Local community. It’s the sort of thing that makes me giddy and grateful.  Afterwards—speaking of philosophers—I decided to visit my friend Aristotle, who lives in a house on a hill at the west end of the ranch. We sampled various kinds of cookies and sipped decaffeinated green tea, and we vented, kvetched, and rhapsodized, as we are prone to do. Mostly kvetched, if the truth be told. Aristotle just turned ninety, and I seek the wisdom of an elder from him, but he is too modest to admit he has acquired any. Somehow I found myself telling him a little about the sad history of my family of origin, how noisy my ghosts can be, an... posted on Sep 24 2023 (3,053 reads)

about the bigger picture or who or what is harmed. How might our art help people move away from this left dominance? At these early stages of our collaboration, I illustrated Daniel Siegel’s (2008) "River of Integration" for Helen in my studio. Using this visual reference we were able to see how being mindful and present can balance the right/left hemisphere, creating a greater capacity to experience compassion and empathy. We both sensed these ideas held seeds of wisdom about how to approach our work. As I deepened my understanding of IPNB principles by teaching them to Helen, she became a student, listened, took notes and asked lots of questions. We pondered ... posted on Sep 26 2023 (3,203 reads)

family felt he had special gifts. I called him my interdimensional DJ. He loved music! He'd play his radio while he's watching TV. I remember this one time, I was in my mom's kitchen. I was in my early 20s. And I was bemoaning the fact that, “I don't have any money.” Cue the interdimensional DJ, and he starts playing, “Take this job and shove it. I ain't working here no more.” I'm like, yeah, exactly. I should shove my job. So he just had this wisdom about him and this cleverness. The night of the fire, I retreated to my mom's house, and I was laying on the sofa and kind of going in and out of these crazy dreams. At one point, he turned... posted on Nov 20 2023 (2,576 reads)

while back, Pavi and I had the privilege of hosting an Awakin Call with David George Haskell. I was recently reviewing this beautiful call, rich with insights and poetic wisdom, and wanted to draw out some of his excerpts from it. David George Haskell is an ecologist and evolutionary biologist whose work is located at the throbbing intersection between science and poetry. He integrates rigorous research with a deeply contemplative immersive approach. His subjects are unexpected and unexpectedly revelatory. His widely acclaimed book, the Pulitzer finalist The Forest Unseen: A Year’s Watch in Nature (Viking 2012), chronicles the story of the universe in one squ... posted on Jan 7 2024 (5,065 reads)

to embrace it instead of thinking, “oh, that’s the wrong way.” You know, the reason, the reason that I made the hip-hop records that I made, I made them the “wrong way.” I didn’t have the baggage of the “right way.” Tippet: Right. [laughs] Okay. Rubin: So there’s some great benefit in — do you know what I’m saying? Out of, I think I even used the word “ignorance” in the book. There’s great wisdom and ignorance. [music: “Scratcher” by Blue Dot Sessions] Tippett: Okay, this is just another little anecdote, but it fascinated me. And I want to say, where does this fit in,... posted on Nov 30 -0001 (31 reads)

would seem that, religion aside, we do better when we stay curious and in awe, with less focus on command and control of our world. Orland speaks to me about the will, how it is something to relinquish, to surrender. He suggests we should learn how we can be of service and let that guide our decisions. I struggle with all of this as I feel the stress and sadness of our crumbling context and wish to shape a viable path forward for future generations – even just for myself! Speaking with wisdom keepers like Orland reminds me that there are depths to our capacity we rarely, if ever, explore in our modern world ruled by iPhones and rampant, relentless schedules. Being in his presence op... posted on Apr 30 2024 (2,008 reads)

I need ministryI let the grass lavishit’s deep devotionupon meand the dewdrip its sermonsright into my heart.I anoint my feetin puddles and Ipraise mud.I was never alone.who am I fooling?I was fathered by mountains,mothered by oceanI was taught by landslides,and caught by the womanI became, during them.Stars serenade mewith their chorus of hallelujah’s,offer themselves upas pin-pricksof wonder and guidancein the darknessTrees salute me, standguard and strengthen meoffer their wisdom– if I’m listening.I am.all existence.My friends are rocks andpraying mantises, I threadtheir hearts through mine, likean endless chainLet the sky teach me loyaltyto warmth AND shado... posted on Apr 26 2024 (3,341 reads)

into the world. Because if we can transform our conflicts, we can truly transform our lives and we can transform this world. Thank you. TS: And a deep bow. William Ury, thank you so much. And if you’d like to watch Insights at the Edge on video and participate in the after show Q&A session with our guests, come join us on Sounds True One, a new membership community featuring award-winning original shows, live classes, community learning, guided meditations, and more with the leading wisdom teachers of our time. Use promo code PODCAST to get your first month free. You can learn more at Sounds True: waking up the world.... posted on May 13 2024 (2,449 reads)

Just as we were out in the field, this crazy storm came in. To be out in the field with the animals and to see how they all work together and what they did when the storm rolled in was just so amazing. To see animals so in tune with mother nature. All the horses got together and they all faced the same way. They just stopped what they were doing and waited for the storm to pass. It was really beautiful to see. Us humans have definitely been desensitized to listening to our own inner guidance, wisdom and intuition because we fill our minds, bodies, and souls with very fake experiences, food, interactions, life, emotions. Everything we do isn’t necessarily true to who we are and who we... posted on Jun 4 2024 (2,929 reads)

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The voice is a wild thing. It can't be bred in captivity.
Willa Cather

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