Become Your Own GreenSpace
Syndicated from, Mar 21, 2017

5 minute read


Community gardens and parks, biodiversity projects, and ‘green’ designs are on the rise across Indiana. Visit downtown Indy for yourself, to see what reimagining urban living looks like. This is due to our expanded understanding of the correlation between Greenspace and our physical, mental, and economic well-being.

Studies across multiple disciplines reveal feelings of contentment, interconnectedness, and wellbeing increase in correlation to exposure to natural, green space. But it shouldn’t take reams of scientific data to support what we already know. Greenspace makes us feel good. Why?

In an age of amped up 24/7 stimulation, whole industries have materialized overnight to capture and bottle the essence of Greenspace. Mind-weary seekers will spend billions this year in order to reconnect with a simpler way of being. Ahhh, a more spacious way of being – sounds nice, doesn’t it?

So, you may ask, “What is in Nature’s Greenspace elixir that generates such good vibes? How can I bring Greenspace living into my life?”

You don’t need a rooftop garden or an acre of forest to create your own meditative biosphere. It can be wherever you are. I have meditated blissfully on intercontinental flights, last row, coach class, with toilets nearby. With just a little knowledge and some practice, you can become your own Greenspace.


Two-fold Response to Nature

Nature evokes two interrelated and beneficial types of response. The first is a more obvious physiological response. Greenspace serves as Nature’s lungs by improving air quality, regulating the planet’s temperatures, and protecting our waterways. Our bodies respond nicely to Nature’s purity, fresh air and clean water.

The second, subtler response to Greenspace involves another sort of purity: one that moves us from thinking to feeling, from head to heart, and from lower vibratory levels into higher realms of vibration and consciousness.

Picture this. You have been glued to your computer all day, running from task to task to meet a project deadline. Your mind is cluttered and you are searching for an escape.

Next scene. You walk into a luscious park, taking in the sights, smells and sounds of nature. While the scene appeals to the senses, the greater response is happening at the level of vibration and consciousness. Now close your eyes. Thoughts drop away further. Feelings of well-being amplify. Nature’s resonance is felt. Einstein must have been absorbed in nature when he came to the conclusion, “Everything in life is vibration.”

During our hectic lives we are operating within a narrow bandwidth of consciousness that ties us to knotted complexity. Our reality exists through continuous and often relentless patterns of thought. Trapped in a cycle of action and reaction, thoughts generate their own dense vibration, further entangling us.

Nature vibrates on a different level.
It is a pure and powerful force.
It induces the mind to settle,
to generate space, and to begin harmonizing
with its own pure and subtle vibration.

Nature vibrates on a different level. It is a pure and powerful force. It induces the mind to settle, to generate space, and to begin harmonizing with its own pure and subtle vibration. Breathing regulates, heart rhythm stabilizes, blood pressure is reduced, feelings of acceptance, forgiveness, and well-being blossom. In an instant, you have traveled the distance from the head to the heart.

The Science of the Heart

Organizations like the Heartfulness Institute and HeartMath have collected evidence to indicate that the heart has its own energetic biosphere, generating a magnetic field “approximately 100 times stronger than that produced by the brain.”1 We are now starting to measure what Rishis and seers have long known. When the conscious mind moves into the heart, there is an automatic response to the heart’s magnetic field, which mirrors our eyes-closed experience in the park. We become our own Greenspace. We find that our own heart can evoke simplicity, unity and purity in our environment and with those in it.

Become Your Own Greenspace

There are those rare few who have had a spontaneous heart awakening, but for most it takes time and practice. Since it is not practical or even necessary to sit in the park every day, here are some tips for making peace with your mind and becoming your own Greenspace.

Set aside a dedicated space in your home for regular meditation. Early morning is best, before your mind gets the chance to run away. Unplug your devices. Make your space a stimulus free zone – a Greenspace for your mind.

If you like, add natural elements, like plants, wood, water and stone, to purify the air. Natural light and soothing colors can help relax your mind.

Sit naturally in a chair or on the floor. Naturally means whatever feels comfortable for you. Notice how you feel – calm, agitated, annoyed, abundant? Just make note of what ever it is, without worrying.

Breathe naturally and relax.

If you practice Mindfulness, apply Mindfulness to your heart. If not, you can still use this 4 Step Process.

Bring your attention to your heart, letting your heart become your resting place and field of observation. Allow your heart’s natural light and magnetic field to draw you into it.

Thoughts will come. Just notice and release them, letting the heart draw you back. Be open to whatever happens.

Gently rest there for 20 to 30 minutes, or until you feel your meditation has ended. No longer than an hour.

Take a little more time, noticing how you feel in your heart. Extend that for as long as you can. Enjoy it. Carry it with you and remember the feeling throughout the day.

In time, your Greenspace will call you, automatically soothing your mind as you approach. And in time, you become your own heart-centered biosphere, naturally generating feelings of contentment, interconnectedness and general well-being, while influencing everything in your field. There’s never been a better time to take a page from Indy and reimagine the space where you live.

Nature hid the essence of Greenspace in the core of your heart. 80 times per minute, you are invited to experience the wonder.


Doc Childre et al, 2016. Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart. Waterfront Press, USA


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