Don't ask the mountain to move; just take a pebble each time you visit.
- John Paul Lederach -
The Cities Stripping Concrete for Plants
Communities in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the US are organizing efforts to replace unnecessary concrete and infrastructure with plants and soil. These efforts help reduce flooding, prevent toxic runoff, and add shade that helps keep people cool during heatwaves. The local availability of mini green spaces may also improve mental health, and benefit bees and other wildlife. While communities need massive investments to remove the mountains of concrete and asphalt, individual and local efforts are where it begins. "It starts with people pushing their government and starting these conversations on a small, local level. That's how it takes hold."
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Be The Change
Can you remove unnecessary concrete or install a green wall or roof in your own space? Perhaps you might volunteer in a local green project in your community, or reach out to your government to show support for starting one.