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DailyGood News That Inspires

a project of ServiceSpace

Meet the Rodents Saving Lives

The web of life both cradles us and calls us to weave it further.

- Joanna Macy -

Meet the Rodents Saving Lives

Daniel may scan through debris in a search-and-rescue mission, detect a landmine, identify a positive TB sample, or find an illegal product poached from wildlife. When he is successful, he pulls a switch on his custom-made vest to signal success. Daniel is rewarded with a smoothie and peanuts, and he is happy with those because he is an African giant pouched rat. Being small and lightweight with an acute sense of smell, he is able to maneuver in cramped spaces, and quickly locate his target. Since 2003, a non-profit’s trained rats “have helped find over 160,000 mines and other explosives, and its TB-detection rats have screened more than a half-million patients.” They require extensive training, are very clever, and have unique personalities. Says one trainer, “We’re cognizant that not everybody loves rats as much as we do.” Yet, they are confident of the potential to extend their capabilities, and work together to save lives. { read more }

Be The Change

Choose a creature of which you may not be very fond. Learn about them and their gifts to life's web. If possible, seek out the creature and express your appreciation, or simply thank them in the silence of your heart.

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