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Standing in Authentic Power
Stacey Lawson relates how real power is within, and takes inner work and outer action, and how sometimes it’s hard to understand why following inner guidance leads us on a path that doesn’t end where we might have wished. She explains how during meditation she repeatedly received a powerful call to run for political office, and while it was the last thing she wanted to do, and after st... posted on Jun 05 2024, 2,071 reads


Weathering the Storm: How Horses Teach Us Community
It was going to be a particularly important day for a healing ceremony with horses. Participants would experience community for the first time in a long time due to the covid lockdown. “Many of those present were single people. They hadn’t had any human contact since the lockdown. No one to get a hug from. No one to hold their hand.” They connected again through meditation, and s... posted on Jun 04 2024, 2,912 reads


From Green to Health
Interested in boosting your heath naturally? Research highlights the direct connection between our health and time spent in green spaces: nature holds the power to reduce stress and depressive symptoms, to fortify our immune system, to lower our blood pressure and improve sleep. With low-income communities frequently deprived of such green spaces, this points to an untapped potential to address he... posted on Jun 03 2024, 858 reads


Breathing with the Forest
'Breathing with the Forest' is an immersive digital experience that explores the illusion of separation between us and the rest of the planet, a reminder that “with each breath we exchange parts of ourselves with the wider world.” The Capinuri tree grows in the Amazon river floodplain where the Breathing experience creators photographed and collected three-dimensional scans and audio r... posted on Jun 02 2024, 1,735 reads


What Should I Do Today?
Finding moments of meaning and purpose amidst everyday chaos can feel like a daunting task. This article serves as a compass for navigating the complexities of daily life by embracing intentionality and mindful decision-making with a simple yet profound question: "What should I do today?"  Rather than succumbing to the pressures of productivity or routine, we are encouraged to approach each d... posted on Jun 01 2024, 2,539 reads


Conscience and Courage: A Conversation with Lee Hoinacki
A brief note only hints at the wide horizon of this former Dominican priest, professor, author, prison dishwasher -- and perhaps Ivan Illich's closest friend. One example: "From the time of Descartes on, people in the west have had increasing difficulty in being in contact with their own bodies. How many times do we even open a window?"... posted on May 31 2024, 1,518 reads


How Luck and Chance Shape Our Lives
Professor, podcaster, and author Bob McKinnon explores how Mark Robert Rank calls into question some prevalent cultural beliefs. A couple of them are: “the idea of rugged individualism and meritocracy” and the perception that the “world is just, that what we get in life we deserve, either good or bad.” We tend to apply “luck or chance to individuals and randomness to ... posted on May 30 2024, 1,966 reads


50 Eye-Opening Questions To Ask A Child
In a world bustling with distractions, nurturing meaningful connections, especially with the younger generation, requires intentionality and curiosity. This insightful piece delves into the art of fostering deeper bonds with grandchildren through the simple yet profound act of asking great questions. The article underscores how asking open-ended questions can transcend mere small talk and explore ... posted on May 29 2024, 4,537 reads


Mastering the Art of Forgiveness
Forgiveness has much more to deliver to us than the person being forgiven. This may sound cliche and at times dismissive when it comes to our pains, injuries, scars, and losses; Dr. Robert Leichtman, however, is anything but dismissive as he outlines the nuanced, life-giving opportunity available to us in the act of forgiveness. Forgiveness is much more than a “way to demonstrate good manner... posted on May 28 2024, 1,984 reads


When Birds Nest in the Doorway, Go Out the Window
“Lives sometimes get rearranged by all sorts of things.” Sometimes, that rearrangement includes climbing out the kitchen window by ladder for a few weeks even though the home has two working doors. This may look like eccentric, nonsensical behavior: it’s not. Author Caitlin Shetterly’s family made this intentional choice one Spring two separate bird families nested over eac... posted on May 27 2024, 4,983 reads


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The giving of love is an education in itself.
Eleanor Roosevelt

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Trending DailyGoods May 29: 50 Eye-Opening Questions To Ask A Child (4,537 reads) May 24: 6 Ways to Make New Friends as an Adult (3,156 reads) Jun 1: What Should I Do Today? (2,539 reads) May 6: Sanctuaries of Silence (2,042 reads) May 1: How Patience Can Help You Find Your Purpose (3,588 reads)

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