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Jul 13, 2017

"When you look deeply into your anger, you will see that the person you call your enemy is also suffering. As soon as you see that, the capacity for accepting and having compassion for them is there." --Thich Nhat Hanh

Charles Halpern: Cultivating Wisdom for Justice

Charles Halpern exemplifies cultivating inner resources for working in justice and social transformation. His contributions to education, law, and social movements have been facilitated by his inner work around wisdom and mindfulness. In this interview, Halpern describes how his practice grounds him while working to transform the criminal justice system. He explains, "We shouldn't respond when we're driven by rage, but instead when we're driven by a sense of possibility -- a possibility that we can open new dialogues in this country, and back off from the intense polarization that's characterized American decision making processes over vitally important matters for decades. How can we come together in a place of dialogue, mutual respect and interconnection?...I think that can only be done by people who have done some inner work and be the leaders of that conversational process.


Commit to a daily practice that cultivates your inner resources. For more inspiration join this Saturday's Awakin Call with Clair Brown, a pioneering economist and creator of a course in Buddhist Economics. RSVP and more details here. More ...