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Bokkapuram's Birdman
"He can recognise the gentle hoot of the elusive wood owl and the call of four types of babblers. He also knows exactly what kind of ponds the migratory Woolly-necked storks breed in. B. Siddan had to drop out of school, but his knowledge of avian species in and around his home in the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, is the delight of an ornithologist. "There were three boys named Siddan in my village of Bok... posted on May 12 2023, 1,110 reads


Early Music: Three Poems
"My name is Micheal O'Suilleabhain, I am a poet, singer, teacher and guide from Ireland. These three poems are from my collection Early Music. Each are a reflection on change, presence and inspiration in our lives. May they help you find the still point in your life today as we search for the daily good. Love from Ireland."
... posted on May 11 2023, 4,476 reads


Radiant Thinking
"This book is structured a little like a garden in which the seeds have been broadcast in wide spirals. There is an insistence on the relationship between all of the subjects within it: motherhood, climate collapse, social justice, botanical history, but also a commitment (at least as I see it) to a kind of disorder, a refusal to manage (or manhandle) the topics in relation to each other, but to l... posted on May 10 2023, 1,134 reads


The Thread of My Life: Following the Heart's Wisdom
"One of the great paradoxes of life is that we must go inward in order to find the road out of ourselves. That is what life asked me to do 15 years ago. After a long period of trying to run away from dark thoughts and feelings my body and mind collapsed. And that was the best thing that could ever happen to me! Before this breakdown I never wondered about what living really means. I just followed ... posted on May 09 2023, 2,886 reads


Frida Kahlo: The Woman Behind the Legend
"In 1925, Frida Kahlo was on her way home from school in Mexico City when the bus she was riding collided with a streetcar. She suffered near-fatal injuries and her disability became a major theme in her paintings. Over the course of her life, she would establish herself as the creator and muse behind extraordinary pieces of art. Iseult Gillespie dives into the life and work of Frida Kahlo in this... posted on May 08 2023, 2,802 reads


Visions of Indigenous Futures
"The project began with a number: 562. It was the number of federally recognized tribes in the United States when photographer Matika Wilbur (Swinomish and Tulalip) quit her job, packed her camera, and hit the road in 2012 to try to photograph a member of every tribe. A decade later, Wilburs efforts are bearing fruit in the form of a new book, Project 562: Changing the Way We See Native America (T... posted on May 07 2023, 1,721 reads


Our Job Is To Sing: An Interview with David Baker
"I have hundreds of pages of notes about whales and plastiglomerates and the whale fall and what happens in the oceans and fishing, and I just wasn't happy with the poem that I was writing. At the same time, I was trying to think about writing a poem about my illness. We didn't even know what it was 25 years ago when I first got sick--something called M.E. I began to take notes for that, too. I've... posted on May 06 2023, 1,236 reads


Son of a Sweeper
In India where caste discrimination is still rampant in many parts of the country, Vimal Kumar, the self-described "son of a sweeper," and member of the Dalit community, is committed to creating new futures for those from backgrounds like his, who are often seen as invisible or less than. A documentary profiling his life's work, tells the inspiring story of how Kumar formed the Movement for Scaven... posted on May 05 2023, 1,236 reads


Thirsty for Wonder
"Contemplative life flows in a circular pattern: awe provokes introspection, which invokes awe. Maybe you're making dinner and you step outside to snip chives from the kitchen garden just as the harvest moon is rising over the easterslopes. She is full and golden, like one of those pregnant women who radiate from within. Suddenly you cannot bear the beauty. Scissors suspended in your hand, tears p... posted on May 04 2023, 2,775 reads


Letting Flowers Lead: The Way of Ikebana
To Mayuka Yamazaki, a high-level business executive, ikebana -- the ancient Japanese art of floral creations -- is not just about arranging flowers. It is about attuning to the wisdom and beauty of nature and enriching our experience of being human. As a master of the art, she explains that ikebana is a word derived from the verb ikeru (to bring alive) and hana (flowers), or combined, "letting flo... posted on May 03 2023, 2,319 reads


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Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things.
Thomas Merton

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