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The Company We Keep: Deborah Meier
"When all goes even remotely well, we are remarkable learners. Our capacity to be so is linked to our equally remarkable capacity to imagine being another. We are designed to learn from others, to be apprentices to adults. All we need are those adults and a setting that seems to accept us and, in turn, seems acceptable to us. This allows us to trust sufficiently to explore and imagine, predict and... posted on Feb 13 2023, 2,604 reads


David Bohm: On Dialog
"Krishnamurti said that to be is to be related. But relationship can be very painful. He said that you have to think/feel out all your mental processes and work them through, and then that will open the way to something else. And I think that is what can happen in the dialogue group. Certain painful things can happen for some people; you have to work it all out. This is part of what I consider dia... posted on Feb 12 2023, 4,266 reads


What I Regret Most Are Failures of Kindness
For many people, the things we regret in life might be the big ones: either moral failings, career opportunities missed on the way to success, or all those things that fall into the category of "adventures we should have taken." For American writer George Saunders, his list of regrets is quite simple: failures of kindness. What grabs at his heart the most is missing those seemingly insignificant c... posted on Feb 11 2023, 51,773 reads


Bicycling Around the World for Love
A young Indian artist met a Swedish tourist in New Delhi, and painted her portrait in the 1970's. They formed an immediate bond and got married in PK Mahanadia's ancestral village. When the love of his life, Charlotte von Schedvin, had to go back to Sweden after a few weeks, he worked on a plan to sell his few possessions, purchased a used bicycle, and traveled 8000 kilometers to reunite with her.... posted on Feb 10 2023, 1,746 reads


Lawrence Ferlinghetti: Instructions to Painters & Poets
"I asked a hundred painters and a hundred poets
how to paint sunlight
on the face of life
Their answers were ambiguous and ingenuous
as if they were all guarding trade secrets
Whereas it seems to me
all you have to do
is conceive of the whole world
and all humanity
as a kind of art work
a site-specific art work
an art pro... posted on Feb 09 2023, 4,251 reads


Zach Shore: Shining A Light Amidst Deep Moral Conflicts
"After an encounter on campus with a fellow blind student who had just returned from a solo excursion with seeming ease, Zachary Shore had a moment of awakening: "My problem wasn't my blindness. It was my lack of skills and confidence." He would indeed come to find a remarkable set of skills and confidence -- eventually earning a doctorate from Oxford University, becoming a distinguished scholar o... posted on Feb 08 2023, 2,121 reads


Emotional Reappraisal: A Form of Creativity
"Everyday examples of creativity are plentiful: combining leftover food to make a tasty new dish, coming up with a new way to accomplish chores, mixing old outfits to create a new look. Another way you do this is when you practice whats called 'emotional reappraisal' -- viewing a situation through another lens to change your feelings. There is an element of creativity to this: You're breaking away... posted on Feb 07 2023, 3,481 reads


Waging Conflict Without Violence: Maria Stephan
"Can nonviolent civil resistance be successful even against the most militarily sophisticated and brutal regimes? My podcast guest this month, political scientist Maria Stephan, says unequivocally 'yes.' Co-Lead and Chief Organizer at The Horizons Project and the former Director of the Program on Nonviolent Action at the United States Institute of Peace, Maria is the co-author, with Erica Chenowet... posted on Feb 06 2023, 1,138 reads


Creatures that Don't Conform
"In the woods near her home, Lucy Jones discovers the magic of slime molds and becomes entangled in their fluid, nonbinary way of being. Lying at the edge of our understanding, slime molds invite us into their mystery and remind us of the vast possibilities of life on Earth."... posted on Feb 05 2023, 4,603 reads


The Science of a Meaningful Life: Top 10 Insights from 2022
"It's hard to talk about individual well-being these days without talking about what's going on in the world, whether that's the mental health fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, political polarization, or global crises like climate change. All of us are affected by these problems, and that's reflected in Greater Good's 2022 selection of top scientific insights. But this research doesn't just sugges... posted on Feb 04 2023, 8,170 reads


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The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.
W.B. Yeats

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