Jessie Rees was diagnosed with an inoperable and incurable brain tumor at age 11. As part of an outpatient clinical trial, she was asked to undergo 30 days of radiation and chemotherapy. When she found out that some of the kids in the cancer ward did not get to go home everyday, she decided to do something to cheer them up and give them hope, and Jessie's Joy Jars was born. Before Jessie died a little over 10 months later, she had distributed 3,000 Joy Jars. The Foundation set up in her name has continued her wish and has distributed more than 50,000 Joy Jars to children all over the world.


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  • Marcella Egan

    Jessie stated she wanted to do somethinging to help. They are dedicated to care and putting a smile on their face.

  • Dan Mancini

    The Whole concept of a sweet little soul...empathizing with her peers... she gave all!!!

  • R.

    this is a wonderful, inspiring and beautiful story... really gives a boost to your faith in humanity- bless Jessie. I had to reply here, because i am absolutely appalled by all of the children in the world whom are suffering needlessly with cancer- it tears at my heart in such a deep way that it is near impossible to watch this video and remain silent. The reality - world, is that the CURE for cancer exists. It always has and it always will- whether or not that will EVER be recognized by the multi-billion dollar cancer industry, remains to be seen- i have very little hope that without a real revolution that this reality will be widespread and implemented and that it is up to us, the people, to take this into our own hands. please visit this link and watch this very real, very important documentary called ' RUN FROM THE CURE" revealing the cure for cancer and spread the message as far and wide as you can. I am in the midst of my own cancer situation right now, and i am going through a treatment regime that employs medicinal cannabis, my series can be read I truly hope that this truth about the cure for cancer, continues to spread and that people who are facing this unneccessary disease and getting caught in the machine that is the cancer-industry- they are able to seek out the treatment they need to be cured. with love and light, R. -thenourishedwarrior

  • steve zimmett

    This video is so beautiful I felt like crying

  • Judith

    Inspiring child. We hear about toxins in our toys and plastic and life in general. I would think children who are sick would be especially vulnerable to the effects. I'm wondering if this Foundation are seeking plastic and toys and bracelet that don't contain toxins?

  • Sangeetha

    Shows how much ever we can be kind to anyone what so vere problems we face! Thanks.

  • Skye

    Jessie gave meaning and joy to her own life in her last year by helping others, being of service to others. She spread her heart energies to the world, and took some of the pain away for a moment. Our world was full of Joy when she walked amongst us. Thank You, Jessie!

  • Tracey

    Wow, there are few words that can follow that. What an amazing, inspiring & brave young lady. It shows that no matter what happens in life there is always the chance to help someone else. Even the smallest thing makes all the difference. Awesome. I will go to the web site to learn more.

  • Susan

    No matter what problems we have, we can help someone else, and that helps us. Thank you for this incredibly inspiring story.

  • Maya Vidhyadharan

    I believe she is a great teacher for me and rest of humanity. I am so inspired by her. May she smile at her creation, and the domino effect it is having, in joy and peace.

  • Lalit

    Would like to continue the work of Jessie's joy jars she left behind in this part of the world. India

  • Becky

    I followed Jessie's Facebook postings up until the last day of her inspiring life. She was an amazing little warrier who gave so much to help others. I miss her.

  • Shirley

    Jessie was sent to the world with a destiny and bless her she fulfilled it with so much love.x

  • Anthony

    Oh what a beautiful, beautiful child... through and true.... May you continue to rest in the warmest embrace of the Great God. Anthony

  • Nancy

    I loved Jessie's spirit. It has inspired me to start a project called "HappyPacks." They will be sent to Ronald McDonald Houses and Ronny Rooms in hospitals in my local areas. Thanks to Jessie, I hope to brighten children's days.

  • Loretta

    Kids show us how innately good we all are...until...I am wondering why the parents subjected her to the chemotherapy, when her diagnosis was incurable?

  • Jenny Hardy

    Just how a very simple idea can mean such a lot.

  • Pam

    Jessie was such a beautiful child inside and out .What a big heart she had to do so much for other children .Her parents must be so proud love Pam

  • Sue Alexander

    Such a wonderful little girl, so courageous, and they created a truly inspiring foundation. I love that they are dedicated to giving patients a whole jar full of little moments to smile and the simple joy of something new to play with. Priceless is having happy time in the midst of cancer. This encourages me to Take Action. She shows us... it's not enough to think good thoughts, we can choose to actually do something to help!

  • Gina

    It's always been difficult for me to believe in the human race and know that we are doing more good than bad for our planet. Too many times humans have created horrible destruction and even worse, death, in the name of power, selfishness, hate.....this amazing little girl has truly touched my heart in more ways than I can express here. What an innocent soul with so much care and insight. I will gladly donate to Jessie's Joy Jars! I hope her foundation continues to thrive and be can only do the good we are lacking on Mother Earth. Thank you Jessie. Peace and much love. G

  • Sony Trieu

    Wow! A truly amazing act of kindness and compassion. What is so inspiring is Jessie's true nature, which is love! I am filled with hope after watching the video; it was so deeply powerful that my eyes teared throughout the video. So grateful for karmatube & your sharing of "Good news" filled with human spirit !

  • Dr. Purnima Gurung

    I am speechless. What a courageous kid.We should learn from Jessie to share whatever little we have with us and in us. I pray to GOD to bless the JOY JARS of JESSIE and spread the love and care all around the world.

  • Sethi

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful story .

  • Sharon Deugo

    "Everything inspired me!! My heart is full and I send my love to put in each one of Jessie's Joy Jars to help in raising the vibration of hope for each recipient. What an amazing young girl and wonderful family to continue her legarcy to share her gift and her life her spirit is truly eternal!! Blessings

  • Noonie

    Jessie's unflagging good cheer and empathy for others is an attitude of inspiration and aspiration. Way to go, Jessie! Your heart is reflected in all the smiles you've brought to so many children around the world.

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about the Jessie Rees Foundation, which has adopted Jessie's motto: Never ever give up (NEGU).
  • Jessie Rees was named a 2012 CNN Heroes Young Wonder.  Read about the other 2012 Young Wonders who are stepping up and changing the world.
  • How many times have you had the thought: "How can I help"? Take a small action to answer that question today, even if it is as simple as making someone smile.

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