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The Courage Way: Leading and Living with Integrity
"Leadership demands courage. You have to make good decisions while balancing inevitable tensions and knowing when to take risks. You need to keep your values in sight regardless of the pressures around you. At its core, leadership is a daily ongoing practice, a journey toward becoming your best self and inviting others to do the same. And that's where The Courage Way comes in. It's a guide to lead... posted on Jul 22, 6107 reads

How to Live a More Courageous Life
When confronted with fear, the brain will seek relief in the form of old coping habits if left to its own devices. However, there are things we can do to help it change course. If we set the stage for courage, our awareness of what happens to us becomes our greatest ally. "The more you interrupt the old fear-based habits and replace fear-based responses with responses to boost courage, the more yo... posted on Dec 14, 0 reads

How to Lead a More Courageous Life
When confronted with fear, the brain will seek relief in the form of old coping habits if left to its own devices. However, there are things we can do to help it change course. If we set the stage for courage, our awareness of what happens to us becomes our greatest ally. "The more you interrupt the old fear-based habits and replace fear-based responses with responses to boost courage, the more yo... posted on Apr 18, 31218 reads

David Whyte on Courage
"Courage is a word that tempts us to think outwardly, to run bravely against opposing fire, to do something under besieging circumstance, and perhaps, above all, to be seen to do it in public, to show courage; to be celebrated in story, rewarded with medals, given the accolade, but a look at its linguistic origins is to look in a more interior direction and toward its original template, the old No... posted on Mar 7, 5826 reads

The Art & Science of Conquering Your Fears
Aristotle believed courage to be the most important quality in a man. "Courage is the first of human virtues because it makes all others possible," he wrote. Today, it's one of the more neglected areas of positive psychology, but recent research has begun to move toward an understanding of what courage is and how we might be able to cultivate the ability to face our fear and make decisions with gr... posted on Dec 18, 0 reads

Moral Courage & The Story of Sister Megan Rice
When you look for examples of moral courage, do you think about the people who are in prison? Sister Megan Rice, an 84 year old nun, is serving a 35 month prison sentence for an act of civil disobedience to stand up for life itself and denounce the continued existence of nuclear weapons. Her words will reveal insight about the nature of courage and the enthusiastic spirit of satyagraha.... posted on Oct 1, 33959 reads

David Whyte on Courage
We all have an idea of what courage looks like from the outside, but what about the inside? Is it angry? Energetic? Excited? Or something else? In this essay, poet David Whyte looks deep within to find the source of courage. Perhaps surprisingly, it's a place that's not hard but soft. And it can be both confusing and vulnerable. "We become courageous whenever we live closely to the point of tears ... posted on Jun 15, 17514 reads

The Physics of Vulnerability
"We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can't have both. Not at the same time. Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage." Find out more about the physics of falling down and rising up strong from Brene Brown.
... posted on Apr 27, 0 reads

The Art and Science of Conquering Your Fears
Aristotle believed courage to be the most important quality in a man. "Courage is the first of human virtues because it makes all others possible," he wrote. Today, it's one of the more neglected areas of positive psychology, but recent research has begun to move toward an understanding of what courage is and how we might be able to cultivate the ability to face our fear and make decisions with gr... posted on May 19, 64965 reads

Fearless Heroes
"Caraggio!" Courage! To a woman trapped in a Hitler's torture camp, "caraggio" brought hope and strength in the face of certain death.

It is a great person who can make that word into a mantra to survive. And after the miracle of being rescued; it is an even greater person who keeps going back, in order to save another tortured soul. Ginetta Sagan has celebrated 45 years liberating... posted on Mar 6, 1370 reads

Musical Protest of Courage and Beauty
It was May 27th, 1992, in Sarajevo. A group of civilians were standing in a breadline, hoping for their share of a dwindling food supply when a mortar shell fell from the sky. Twenty-two innocent men, women and children were killed. It was May 28th, 1992, when principal cellist of the Sarajevo Opera Orchestra, Vedran Smailovic, took his cello to the crater left by the deadly blast and, amidst the ... posted on Jun 19, 1651 reads

Nine-Year Old's Courage and Composure
Remaining calm and level-headed in moments of crisis is a challenge -- particularly when you're only nine years old. But when second-grader Jimmy Steven's mother fell unconscious behind the driving wheel, he knew just what to do. Jumping onto his mother's lap he steered the car to the side of the road, put it in park and dialled 911. For the next eleven minutes he calmly directed paramedics to the... posted on Dec 15, 2394 reads

Canada's Bravery Awards
Canada gives out three bravery decorations for selfless acts of courage: the Medal of Bravery, Cross of Valour and Star of Courage. Anyone can nominate a person who has risked injury or death to save another. This inspiring story highlights a few of the 47 people who were recently decorated by Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean ... including an eight year old girl who saved her mother when she fell through... posted on Feb 21, 1934 reads

Brene Brown On The Courage To Be Vulnerable
Do you remember the last time you felt completely vulnerable? It's a rather uncomfortable feeling that causes most people to rush through to a 'quick fix' -- desperate to avoid the discomforts of feeling exposed. We tend to view our vulnerability as a sign of weakness. But, what if the opposite were actually true? What if vulnerability was absolutely essential to wholehearted living? According to ... posted on Mar 21, 33208 reads

An Incredible Story of a Young Woman's Courage
Malvika Iyer is the essence of courage and optimism. At 13, a freak accident caused her to lose both her hands and severely damaged her legs, raising serious doubts about whether she would ever walk again. But young Malvika braved the odds and emerged victorious. Today she is a dedicated social worker, a motivational speaker, a model for accessible clothing in India, and part of the "Global Shaker... posted on Dec 18, 25841 reads

Parker Palmer on the Heart of a Teacher
What is at the core of an exceptional teacher? Is it innate skills? In-depth knowledge? Infinite wisdom? Parker Palmer's book, "The Courage to Teach," proposes a different philosophy: the foundation for good teaching is built upon the identity and integrity of the teacher. This means that in order to teach well, teachers must have the courage to know themselves, and show themselves, in the classro... posted on Oct 3, 32316 reads

How to Find the Good in a Nasty Election Cycle
"Of course, you dont need me to tell you that this is a stressful election. According to a Harris poll conducted for the American Psychological Association, 52 percent of American adults say that the presidential election is a very or somewhat significant source of stress. For registered voters, that number is even higher 55 percent of registered Democrats and 59 percent of Republicans. No demogra... posted on Nov 6, 37697 reads

Skateboarding Like a Girl
Behind the sweet, innocent eyes of a young girl is a strength of resolve, waiting to show the world what she's made of. Sisu - the Finnish word for 'determination, courage and resilience' - is this spark of strength that Chloe Chick - mother, and founder of the organization 'SisuGirls' - aims to inspire in young girls all over the world. Believing that the experience of stumbling and failing when ... posted on Sep 22, 2545 reads

Therapy Dogs Help Kids With Trauma Tell Their Stories
Companions for Courage in Orlando, Florida, is a community outreach program that provides therapy dogs for children who have experienced trauma and need to confront that trauma in court. The dogs provide a sense of security, creating a bond with child victims, giving them the courage and confidence to face the court situation. The dogs enable the children to stay calm and tell their stories. The c... posted on Mar 8, 1962 reads

He couldn't button his shirt or tie his shoe laces. Bill Porter wasn't your typical door to door salesman. With cerebral palsy and a crippled body, he was declared ineligible to work or do much of anything else; but his mom was unrelenting in her belief that her son would rise above his limitations. She was right. It took him four false starts before he found the courage to ring the first door ... posted on Jun 19, 992 reads

Courage to Touch Life
... posted on Apr 18, 801 reads

Measuring Emotions
Can you measure anger, love, joy? After 20 years of research, Dr. David Hawkins says yes. In his book "Power vs. Force", he presents a tool for assessing value and motive and creates a "Map of Consciousness" that illuminates the spiritual ladder we must follow as a race and as individuals. Using this method, Dr. Hawkins has made a logarithmic scale ranking of different levels of energy, from sh... posted on Jan 24, 1165 reads

Amidst collapsed building, broken roads, and row upon row of tents inhabited by those displaced by the earthquake, the city of Mazafarabad, Pakistan is showing signs of life. Grocery shops, bakers, call centers, general merchants, and banks are reopening along the city's main bazaar. While residents are still shaken, there is a strong determination to rebuild. As Abdul Hameed, a barber in Muzaffar... posted on Nov 3, 1090 reads

To Be of Use
As a pioneer in the sustainable business movement -- assistant to Cesar Chavez, founder of Briarpatch Natural Food, Smith & Hawken, Organic Boquet (first organic floral company), and Organic To go -- Dave Smith is on a mission to inspire people everywhere to reconcile compassionate values with capitalism. In his book, "To Be of Use", he shares stories of how business can be a force for radical ch... posted on Jan 10, 6025 reads

Doctors from Inner-city Give Back
Thirteen years ago three African-American teenagers made a pact to raise themselves out of their tough inner-city neighborhood in New Jersey and become doctors -- together. Like their peers, they came from poor, single-parent homes in urban neighborhoods where survival, not scholastic success, was the priority. Today Samson, George and Remeck have each overcome wide-ranging obstacles to fulfill th... posted on Jul 5, 2206 reads

Contemporary Tribute To Mandela
February 11th 1990: a dignified elderly man walked out of 27 years in prison and straight into history. Nelson Mandela's immense courage and personal moral authority stood as a beacon of hope first to a bitterly divided nation and then to the whole world. This year, a spectacular new book has been published that includes the peace laureate's prison writings, as well as more than 250 photographs an... posted on Nov 9, 2139 reads

Wired To Be Inspired
Most theories in social sciences say that people's actions and feelings are motivated by self-interest. So here's a puzzle: why do we care when a stranger does a good deed for another stranger? Psychologist Jonathan Haidt has been pondering this question for years. Haidt uses the phrase "elevation" to describe the warm, uplifting feeling that people experience when they see unexpected acts of huma... posted on Dec 14, 2479 reads

Ethical Wills: Legacies of Wisdom
When he dies, Abraham Leibson wants to leave his heirs three things: a love of learning, the flexibility to change, and the courage to face their fears. And while such abstract concepts cannot be bequeathed as tangibly as a pocket watch or a stock portfolio, ideals and values are part of one's legacy, nonetheless -- and they can be passed from one generation to another. So Leibson, who is 69 and i... posted on Apr 9, 3770 reads

Taking Social Innovation To Scale
According to Margaret Wheatley, the world changes when networks of relationships form among people who share a common vision of what’s possible. So rather than worry about critical mass, our work is to foster critical connections. We don’t need to convince large numbers of people to change; instead, we need to connect with kindred spirits. Through these relationships, we develop the new knowle... posted on May 22, 2107 reads

Shy Librarian Turned Prize-winning Author
The school bus honked and pulled over, startling Laura Schlitz as she was taking a walk in her residential neighborhood here. The bus driver leaned out and called to Ms. Schlitz: "Aren't you the lady who won that big book award? I recognize you!" It is at such moments that Laura Amy Schlitz, whose book recently won the 2008 Newbery Medal, the most prestigious prize in children's literature, realiz... posted on Mar 18, 3333 reads

First Woman To Walk Lost Arrow
Last July, nursing school graduate Libby Sauter became the first woman to successfully cross the Lost Arrow Spire Highline, located 2,890 feet high above the Yosemite Valley floor in Yosemite National Park. Considered by many who practice the art of balance sports to be a kind of Mecca, Lost Arrow Spire's height is equal to two Empire State buildings stacked on top of the other, plus 390 feet. It ... posted on Jun 28, 3569 reads

Alive in the World
There is something compelling about any act of genuine courage, perhaps especially on behalf of the voice of conscience. No such act is really a small act. Works & Conversations magazine interviews Audrey Lin, a college student who decided to take a three-day, 50-mile walk, as her way of experimenting with experiential education: "If I'm not living according to my values, if I'm not fully, to the ... posted on Jun 5, 3064 reads

Newark Turns It Around After 44 Years
When the clock struck midnight on April 1, Newark reached a milestone: its first homicide-free calendar month in 44 years. Compared to the first quarter of 2009, the city has reduced crime by 13 percent! "We have made major strides in reducing crime in Newark and providing our residents with a safer, stronger, and prouder community," says Mayor Cory Booker. "This has been the result of new allianc... posted on Apr 7, 2314 reads

As Good as New
As many great companies do, this one started in a dorm room. Yet the light-bulb idea that emerged from these tight living quarters was... collecting trash? TerraCycle, founded by Tom Szaky, is a company that "upcycles" waste into affordable, eco-friendly products ranging from worm-waste fertilizer to messenger bags and school supplies. A company that has mobilized over 10 million people to collect... posted on Jun 8, 3395 reads

Misfit Entrepreneurs
Imagine Walt Disney at the age of nineteen. His uncle asks him what he plans to do with his life, and he pulls out a drawing of a mouse and says, "I think this has a lot of potential." Or Springsteen. After a show one night, his father, who hated the guitar, asked him what he thought he was doing with himself. How does he tell his father, "I'm going to be Bruce Springsteen"? All great things begin... posted on Aug 3, 5269 reads

Leadership Through Solitude
"We have a crisis of leadership in America." In a speech delivered at West Point, writer William Deresiewicz states that many of today's leaders have jumped through the hoops and climbed up the greasy ladder of hierarchy only to maintain the status quo. Real leadership, though, "means finding a new direction, not simply putting yourself at the front of the herd that's heading toward the cliff." Th... posted on Nov 20, 8218 reads

5 Manifestos for Art, Life & Business
Manifestos are a powerful catalyst. Famous architect Frank Loyd Wright said that "an eye to see nature, a heart to feel nature and a courage to follow nature" were three of his top 10 manifestos. By publicly stating our views and intentions, manifestos create a pact for taking action. If we want to change the world, in ways large or small, developing a set of principles that we believe in and cons... posted on Jul 22, 6781 reads

Inspiring a Life of Immersion
In this wide-ranging TED talk, Jacqueline Novogratz, founder of the Acumen Fund, shares stories of people who have immersed themselves in a cause, a community, a passion for change. Stories that remind us that our human inheritance is the capacity to live lives infused with courage, sacrifice, humility, and hard work - and the tremendous impact it can bring to others.... posted on Dec 2, 4539 reads

A Heart Touched By Music
"The way she was singing comforted me a bit. I stood there watching her play for about fifteen minutes, thinking that it must take courage to perform on your own in the middle of a crowded New York ferry terminal. So I stood there listening. She must have felt my presence because she would occasionally look in my direction. By now I was telling myself that if she could perform in front of hundreds... posted on Mar 7, 5710 reads

The Language of Love
"Love is a funny thing. As the saying goes, we often find love when we least expect, but it might be equally true that when we do find love it's different than we expected. This beautiful short film was created to raise awareness and money for a good cause, which it did. But it has gone so much further in showing us what love looks like, and how we can connect with each other when we have the cour... posted on Mar 31, 10294 reads

Competencies and Inner Capacities
What are the core qualities and skills that transformational leaders share? Over the past 20 years, global health leader and changemaker Dr. Monica Sharma has encountered dozens of individuals from around the world who are leading their communities with courage and compassion. A few of the essential traits that they share are: knowing the power of their wisdom for action, embracing all with respec... posted on Jul 20, 17530 reads

Little Ellie & the Olympian: The Kindest Race Ever
He's a world record holding sprinter from South Africa who is known as "The Fastest Man on No Legs." She's a spunky little girl from Essex, England. In an inspiring series of images that have recently gone viral, the two strangers, united only by a stubborn refusal to let double amputations stop them, race each other in a friendly bionic foot race. The following article shares more about Olympian ... posted on Aug 10, 70797 reads

A Manifesto for Living
"Here's to the ones who were told to stop. To give up. To quit trying. To shove themselves into a little box because the world never needed their arms stretched out wide. Here's to the ones who refused to listen. To the negatives. To the naysayers. To pessimists and the procrastinators. Here's to the ones who believe in Away. And Going. And Newness within Newness. And a world made to wash us and m... posted on Feb 6, 24459 reads

The Mahatma and the Poet
"Between 1915 and 1941, Mahatma Gandhi -- who was assassinated 65 years ago -- exchanged a series of letters with Indian poet, philosopher, and celebrated creative spirit Rabindranth Tagore, debating such subjects as truth, freedom, democracy, courage, education, and the future of humanity as India struggled for its independence...These letters are unique in that they were private in nature but p... posted on Feb 7, 14618 reads

A World Without Landfills
These two local heroes changed the tide of their communities through a deep commitment to nurture a healthy planet and unwavering courage to follow their hearts' calling. They're part of a "growing global movement to significantly reduce the amount of trash we produce as communities, cities, countries and even regions. It's called the zero-waste movement...Adilla is a grassroots recycler -- also ... posted on Jul 27, 22814 reads

A Poet's Take on The Mystery of Existence
"When I start to write, I'm not a guide or teacher; I'm not even a poet. I'm a person far out at sea, and the poem is a raft made of whatever floats past in the water. Those almost accidental rescuing pieces are words, rhythms, musics, ideas, the memory that is mine and the memory that is all of ours and the memory that is held in language itself. The experience of writing, for me at least, isn't ... posted on May 23, 16960 reads

Mama Hill: A Gang's Worst Nightmare
This is an inspiring story of a 73-year-old former school teacher who has transformed her home into a refuge and resource center for local youth in Watts, CA. From her days of marching with MLK Jr., to raising kids as a single mom, and a long career serving in some of LA's toughest schools, Mama Hill (as she is endearingly called by her community) has a deep understanding of what urban youth need... posted on Jul 5, 8642 reads

At 18, He Taught Us How To Live Before He Died
"Every teenager believes they are invincible," said Zach Sobiech. "It's not the kind of invincible like Superman; it's the kind of invincible like, 'I'll see you in five months.'" Zach didn't have five months. He died of cancer on 20 May 2013, shortly after his 18th birthday. This film gives us glimpses of Zack's enormous capacity for love, his gentle humor, haunting music, and the quiet courage w... posted on May 25, 9915 reads

Soul Surfer: Braving Life's Sharks
Kara Holden, screenwriter of the film "Soul Surfer" offers an eloquent reflection inspired by a conversation with Bethany Hamilton on whose life the film is based. Bethany is a surfer who lost her arm in a horrific shark attack. She valiantly returned to surfing less than a month after the incident and would go on to win numerous championships. In this piece the author probes into the reasoning be... posted on Jul 20, 42429 reads

The Man in the Red Bandana: A 9/11 Hero
Welles Crowther began carrying a red bandana when he was 6 years old. It soon became his signature, and a link between father (his dad carried a blue one) and son. When Welles turned 16, he signed up as a junior firefighter at the local fire station -- Empire Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1. On September 11, 2001, Welles was working as an equities trader on the 104th floor of the South Tower of the Worl... posted on Sep 11, 5814 reads

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Dreams are the touchstones of our character.
Henry David Thoreau

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